Title is stupid.

Titles, although required, never lie.
"Making up a song about Coraline!" Lolz. I saw that movie today! IN 3D!!! But the 3D was lame. It needed more 3D!! BUt I love the song the other dad sings! It's so catchy! "You might think this place is a dream come true.... BUT YOU'RE WRONG!" Lulz... I just like quoting the commercials....
OMG! For a while I was seriously wondering about my otaku-ness. I mean I haven't been as otaku-y as I used to. I was neglecting my otaku-art, I haven't seen an anime in like forever, and the same could be said for manga. But all these terrible thoughts have been erased from my mind since I got two mangas today! Bleach 25 (Finally) and Otomen Vol 1! OMG! I'm totally in love with Otomen! It's AWESOME! I want two! Is there a two? I still want two! I love it! I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm totally obsessed with girly-men. Lulz I love Ryo's obliviousness too! I wish I had friends like them!! And Bleach Twenty Five was wicked! I read it surprisingly fast though... It's cause it's ACTIONED PACKED!!! I love Shinji and Pig-Tails! The Quincy girl is weird (Lulz she isn't a quincy but she looks like Ishida whom I call Quincy because that's a cooler name).
Lulz Otomen is weird because the names remind me of Hot Gimmick. Asuka and Tachibana.... Hmmmmm...... LULz But I love both Tachibanas despite how totally different they are!
We I'd talk more but I gotta get to bed!
PS: Chief loves his lipstick more than me!
