Screw you Mo!

I'm super mad at my 'tard scooter! Mo is such a jerk! I'm not so mad about it right now.... BUT OH! He just ticked me off!!!
Let's start at the beginning (of sorts). Mo is my scooter/moped. He's super awesome but slightly retarded.I love him on warm days when he isn't being a "sassy pants"! But anyway... Today was cold...I didn't plan on this so I waited until it was too late and ended up riding Mo to school. Not so bad because he basically started right off! Which is good because normally he takes forever to start on cold days. Moving on... So I rode Mo to school and my friggin' fingers almost fell off! It was so frickin' painful! But I was all whatever! So I parked him and was all "Watch him not work after school!" because I'm pyshic. I ended up losing his key in the gym (Which I also knew was going to happen!! But Thankfully someone found it and returned it to me! So after school I was pretty good mood, but that all ended when I stepped outside.It was still cold! And I freaked out! Mo won't start in the cold! And Lo' and behold.... Mo wouldn't start! I was so embarrassed! And really mad at Mo. I ended up pushing him home which sucked! I fraggin' died when I got home. And my arms have been shakin' randomly ever since.... One of the reasons I rode Moto school was because if I don't ride him his batteries die! So I'm ticked!
I'd talk more but I'm kinda distracted... Sorry
