If your in Japan it isn't! Also currently it's 44 degrees farenhiet and sunny! Yay sunny!
But I am not in Japan. I am in My room. It's not sunny because it's night time. And the temperature is frickin' freezing! 28 degrees to be exact.
YAY! Anoop didn't get sent home! They are always mean to Anoop and put him in last and make him think he's going home only for him not to go home. I love Anoop so much so I hope he doesn't get voted off! MeganRetardo on the other hand needs to frickin' go home. Who the heck is voting for her?! Hate her lots I do!
I finished making my speech outline! Now all I have to do is present it! I'm super excited untl I realized I don't remember anything! Lulz. I'm such a failure!
I'm a genius. I did my Chemistry work in like 10 mintues. I finsihed my math test in one day(We have tomorrow to work on it), I know spanish verbs! People need to bow to my awesome brain!
I want to draw Kyser More! I love Kyser... But I need to draw JigglyPuff for Tamster224's contest! And I really want to do that too! I drew a prototype Jiggly when I join and now I have to draw a super awesome Jiggly. I'm excited about it!
Request: Someone draw me an Anoop chibi please! (Or I'll have to do it my self!)
Is it bed time?