Today was my birthday!

Today was my birthday! It was okay... I just got angry a couple times! The first was when I had to take a cold shower because my idiot brother just has to take one whenever he wakes up! I was really hoping for a warm shower!! The second was when I wanted to start watching "Big Dreams, Little Tokyo" and my oldest brothers (One of them being the shower-hog)wouldn't shut up or move and let me sit on the couch. So I got upset and just grabbed a chair and sat in the middle of the room! But then they wouldn't shut up. so I was all "FINE WHATEVER" and went downstairs to ask my parent's if I could watch it on their TV but then my dad said he would tell 'em to leave and stuff. My second eldest brother(not the shower-hog, he's a bully though) threw a hissy0fit saying I get everything I want even though I don't deserve it! And I try not to ask for a lot of stuff (Though I tend to), and I work deligently to maintain my grades and occassionaly hel around the house (Except 'm terribly lazy so I don't do much housework). But whatever becasue he's such a hyocrite! I'm also angry that shower-hog wouldn't leave! Idont' like having my friends over when he's around because he's dating one of them and the other one doesn't like him! So it makes it really hard for me to have a good time when he's around. It really upsets me... But maybe I'm just being a whiner....
On a happier note! Rah-chan got me Wild Ones 5 and 6. And my other friend Kimmy gave me a panda poster and magic sand! Shower-Hog did get me a Bloc Party CD so I guess it's okay. And my mommy and daddy got me a game for my DS. I'm to lazy to get up and look at it, but it's a puzzle-mystery with "Curious Village" in the title. I played a lot of SSBB (again) but I also played a lot of SingStar, and some Fusion Frenzy 2. I also went outside today! And not because I was going to another building but to actually outside! It was alright! I just didn't like the sun and the birds... Which is why I don't go outside in the first place! This one bird swooped right in front of Kimmy's sister (I was right behid her). I almost had a heart-attack! I'm so terrified of birds!
SO YAY! Now I'm 12 (Not really. I'm 17. There's a story behind that, but I don't feel like telling it!) Well I'm going to go read Wild Ones! Ja ne!
