
I kept forgetting today was easter and when ever someone would say it was Easter, I was "It's Easter?" Even now that I know it's Easter I'm still having trouble believing it! Haha! Times flies by so fast!
I'm upset because I'm probably not going to go to Prom because I can't find a dress! It's because I'm fat and all the fat dresses are ugly! I found a cute dress online but my mom wouldn't order it because I'm fat and she didn't think it would fit. *Cries about being fat due to eating to much* *Deals with tears by eating more* (LOL I really can't find a dress, but I'm not really that concern with my weight, even if I am a fatty cakes. LOL).
LOL I'm sitting on my bed in the dark lip syncing to "I wanna Dance with Somebody". I'm such a dork! *Continues to act like a dork*
Okay now that that's over... I really don't feel like talking... I'm gonna go spazz out to some more songs now... Buh-bye
