My thumb...

I played too much SSBB. LOL! But I defeated the hundred man brawl in under 3min30sec! YAY ME! LOL It's all thanks to super cheating Kirby and his death kick of doom! My brother who taught me the trick got over a hundred kills in endless brawl (Like a lot but I don't remember the number!). I got 500 kills in the 15-min brawl... But died with 40-something seconds left! That's what killed my thumb! Having to hold the up botton for 14+ mins! It's intense!
In other news... I'm lazy! And such a procrastinator! I think I know what I'm going to do, but I'm afaird of picking a terrible topic and thinking of a really great on later! That always happens to me! LOL I also need to draw a pictaw for the contest still! I'm so slow! And Lazy! And Untalented!
That's it really...
