Inspiration please...

I need some... Also need some perseverence.
I'm feel kinda drained... But mostly bored... Feel like I wasting away my summer....
I really need to work on this picture I'm making for Rah-chan but it's taking so long and I don't feel like coloring it right now... Mostly because I want to add small affects and then blend the crap out of them... But I can't because of gay layers.... It's tough dawg...
I also need to seriously scan some stuff and study for my ACT. I don't want to do either though.... Saturday is going to be the first time I take the ACT... I'm gonna fail so bad! It's a good thing I can take it again (And again). My dreamscore would be a 30 but I'm prolly gonna get like a 26 or 28 at best... Stupid genius brothers and their amazing skillz! I can't win like this....
Gosh I'm hungry... And Bored... and *whine whine whine*.
I wannna draw but I don't know what. I'm kinda sick of coloring so Ijust want to draw but I'm running out of pages in my sketch book... Maybe I should try drawing more than one thing on a page....
Well that's it....
