
So I've made my decision. It may come into action next summer, since I'll probably be busy until then.

I'm going to go back and alter/rewrite BAHD. When I originally made it, it was horribly unplanned, and through ASS it became inconsistent in many places, not to mention there were parts that went completely unexplained. It was only around HOLE what it started getting finalized and consistent, but HOLE and DUDE were the only two with fairly sustainable explanations. BAHD and ASS are still bugging me because I know there are so many little things I need to change, and so many things that I need to add/drop completely. T_T

So hopefully next summer I'll find the time to go back re-read EVERYTHING from BAHD and ASS )Maybe read Hole and DUDE again too...) and then rewrite them. They'll still have practically the same plots and stuff, just written better and with corrections so the stories flow better. Especially the beginning. I need to fix the beginning more than anything.

I may still pose ASS on here, but I'm kind of reluctant, seeing how much I want to fix it ><
