Sorry I haven't been on that often this past has been hectic and stressful, but it's about over now ^_^ I swear I have been looking at your stuff and such. Just no real time and internet was unreliable for awhile.
So our family got a new dog O_O He's a miniature collie, golden retriever mix (we think, we're not sure...), and he's my sister's first official dog. She named him Bauer, after a hockey stick or something of that nature. XP He's pretty cute and all, but makes me sad to think about my poor Snowy Boy. BUT. At least he's pretty damn well trained already XD Other than a few teething problems he's the perfect dog for my sister. She calls him her son and my nephew XD
I WILL be getting some writing and drawing done soon now that life has resumed to normalcy for the time being.