*Rips Through The Wrapping Paper*

I totally did not NOT steal this idea from Kasa...I just lovingly borrowed it...when she wasn't looking...with no intention to return it :3. So yup, this is everything I got for Christmas...

- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (PSP)
- Persona (PSP)
- Final Fantasy Dissdia (PSP)
- Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP) (I still have to beat the first one :D)
- A Pitchpipe <3 (Fweeeeeeeeet, that's a C! :D)
- Soooooooooooocccccckkkkkkkkssssss
- $50 to Barnes and Noble (I know where I'm going tomorrow *.*)
- Chicago (DVD) (He had it comin', he had it comin'!)
- Some Like It Hot (DVD)
- Annie (DVD) (My mom got it for me because it's our musical at school this year XD)
- Toys for my birdie
- A heating pad
- These yummy choclate truffle things from Coldstone
- An 8 gig flash drive
- $$$$$
- Presents from my friends here on TheO ~<3
- and most important of all...SNOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW! <3

So yup, that's everything. It was overall a very fun Christmas and I stuffed myself silly with ham and other delicious treats~. And yesterday it was slightly depressing 'cause in the morning it was icky rain and sleet, but then it started to snow later, and it made me soooo happy!~~~ (and now the snow hasn't stopped and there's lots on the ground! :D)

So I hope that everyone had a merry Christmas yesterday (or if you don't celebrate Christmas, you had a happy day anyways ^^). Right now I'm wishing that it woun't become Monday because that's the day I promised myself I would start on all my homework...ugggggggggghhhhh....

Anyways, wishing you all a happy rest of the year and I'm sure I'll talk to you all soon! :D

