Well, atleast it spazzes when I try to close the (SHINEY NEW) comment boxes. Opening them it's fine with, but when I try to close them, a bunch of little random squares fill the screen and my computer sends me a note that basically says "I am not happy, and so I will not work. Click No to allow computer to not work plz! 8D" My computer and technology in general just hates me. ;~;

So, I have to go back to icky school tomorrow. And, I didn't get half the things I wanted to get done over break (very typical of me XD;). But the good thing is, since I'm a good little senior and scored well on all my tests, I don't have to take finals :3. And since my brother is a Sopmore, he has to take them as I laze my days away. Aaaah~ ^^

Also, I have a random burst of insperation to draw! 8D Hopefully that means that I will actually FINISH a drawing and posting it. I have a bad habit of getting like 3/5 done with a picture and then just stopping for no good reason, really bad habit kiddies, don't start it! :3

And I've been keeping consistent with my exercise. Tomorrow I'm gonna drive over to Target and buy a Cardio Kickboxing DVD, because then I get to pretend to beat the living daylights pretend to punch people I don't like AND burn fat and calories! Win, win situation! 8D

Well, if you're still on break, I hope you have fun and can find it in your heart to spare some pity for those of us who are trudging back to school 6am T-T *wimper*

