End of a Good Week :)

Hey there guys! It's been awhile.
And it's been awhile since I could say that I've had a really good week, but this is one of those weeks. Although most people don't really care to hear about my good week, I'm gonna tell you 'cause when I'm happy I like to share it with my friends! ^^

Now le's see what good happened...
~ I got paid over $400 (200 from babysitting and 200 from swim lessons)
~ I ordered manga off-line for the first time (What?! I just have this apprehension about ordering things off-line >_>). They all came in good and now I have completed my Pita Ten collection which has stood unfinished for like the past 2 years.
~ I preordered Persona 3 Portable. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS GAAAAME!~~~~
~ The kids in swim lessons are all very tolerable and I might even say I like some of them
~ I actually motivated myself to play Xenosaga after I've had it since it's came out and never beat it. I'm almost to the end of the game! :)
~ I drew something that I like how it came out. Now just have to work on the coloring...I can't color guns...
~ I won a Free! copy of Narcissu the 2nd, along with a mini novel and fan book for the same game. Only 2 people won, and I was one of them. That made me sooo happy~
~ Me and my family went to The Melting Pot for my graduation celebration dinner. It twas quite yummy~
~ Britt and I (accidently) created a new character named Goji
~ I got to talk to Sujay on chat ^^
~ I found out my rooming assignment for college and got in touch with my roommate

...I think that's it. ^^
Yup, lots of good things went down this week and I'm hoping that that continues all through my summer. Also this week, I discovered that I should NEVER shop when I'm in a good mood. I end up impulse buying ALOT! ^-^;

Oh, and sorry you guys have to put up with all this useless info about my life. :3

Welp, that's it for this update...oh and also...

~Ryu (Elk)
