be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
be anglious
be belovid
teratakahashivampire knight [a vampire knight fan sight
the gentlemen's alliance cross fan sight
A.M.V. ADDICTION!![my world where i and guest posters post amvs!!!
lol it turns out i never realy got to working on my story XD. half of the reason is that i was wrighting it like a novel before i change it in to a manga. but the book is in first person and iv been reading strait up third person strait for about a month so its hard to get out of the third person mind set...blah.
randome thought: hm...perpermint its like mint, but with a burn. Maybe thats whay its called "peper"mint
so anyway XD, before i get off topic iv been thinking of new years resolutions
1 i want to improve with art!!!![especialy with bodys!!!!]
3*coff coff*loose weight[ im lazy though so ...it might not happen]
4 make epicness happen!!! [ work on my manga and finish at least 4 chapters+ 1 volume]
5 cosplay!!!!![hopefully i loose weight when i do XD]
6 expand my palet[learn digital art]
7 get a better job [hopefully]
8 filler
and i cant think of anything else
so what kind of resolutions are on your list?
i just came on here to say that im not going to be online for sometime [not like iv been very active anyway.....]im going to take the time to wright my manga. some reasons are is that some other comicks iv seen have some simalar details that mine does and i dont want to keep seeing that and ppl thinking that i stole[wich i have been wrighting my manga seance he 8th grade [im graduated now] and even though i change the order and stuff of it it still has the same main things in it XD.also cause i want to finish what i started! and i love to wright XD
i cant wait to get manga studio's though [but first i have to get my own computer...[and scanner]
its been a while seance i posted anything so i thought i sould!
lol i have no idea how to start off so i guess ill just get strait to it!
iv been thinking alot about.... [ looks at face book]
OOOMGGGG!!! what!? i think i was just indirectly asked out on a date!!!why am i freacking out?[why am i wrighing it on here] i have no lifewhy am i blushing?gah!
well anyway if any of you have ever been on face book on one of the aps called the truth revealed, it asked me if iv ever been on a date with so and so[o well he doesent have a theo so i should just go ahead]arther* coff* lol
and i said no, then latter on he messaged me" no but i would like too."
i dont see why not to go on a date with him if he is asking me, but idk i hardly know him!he is a friends freind friend...and i never realy talked to him
gosh im shy[what if he comes to my job *bites her tung*] i guess ill just act like i havent seen the message yet...yeess thats it
damn my mood swings
now i wana cry i miss my baby bunnies why did they have to die?
... im sorry lol this is what happens when all of my messages pile up and i disid to look at them as i post...
i want some one to talk to but bleh i guess ill see if ther is anyone in the chat room
fertgive me for my spelling the computers at the library dont have any spell check [internet explorer]
so anyway iv been reading brisinger lately and im only on page 200[and something] so far. i have to get it back to the library before my time runs out [but i guess i can always renew it.}
im hungry
i still havent found my flash drive...but im going to try to get my art scaned today[HitomiTatsuyo im done drawing your pick so hopefully i can have it up soon *crosses fingers*]
so im going to try to go over to my friends house...but ill have littel time ther cause i got to go to the doctors with my mom for my littel brothers check up [i HATE THE DOCTORS]
so anyway how has your day? anythihng good happen today?
mood:happy [cause the door to the computer is not locked]
lissening to:fight inside[dont know the singer its on an amv]
eating: nothing ...YET
so im posting to let you guys know how iv been.
yesterday my freind tiff made me fill out the SAT form. and she toatly fergot that it told her" sure ill take the test, if you pay for me" she even replied"ok, i have to pay for mine anyway" and yesterday she had the amount i had to pay on a paper....and yep i was like...this girl fergot. when i told her she denied ever haveing that conversation...
so work sucked yesterday...i mean it ushaly does but now it sucks in a diffrent way.why? cause all of my freinds are gone!! stupid morons fired them because they were "stealing" my ass they were.[they had no evidence]. and they have been gone for about a month now. so i didnt even get to see them for my birthday. and what makes it even worse is that the new ppl suck!!!!!there is this new girl to our store that thinks she is all that cause she has been working for the company for a year!!IV BEEN WORKING FOR LONGER. and then the new mangers omg dont even get me started on them. work is just so hollow...i wish it were back to the old days.
i just wana get a new job already...
but other than that! a few days ago i got a library card.yay!and i checked out so many books XD
peacemaker manga[3-5]
brisinger[eragon trilogy book]
a how to draw expreshions book
and a how to draw action book
and latin for dumies book[cant wait to lern me some latin!]
[took so much self control not to space lol]
so how about you guys hows your day?