listen if you want its just a will give you something to entertain while you read..not that its that longXPedit:[after i was done wrighting post] it kinda got longer than expected i supose^^;
i know i haven't been on in a while, so i dont expect that many comments. Also on that note i apologies for not being around and commenting.gomenesai.[bleh misspelling].
well i havent posted in a while...alot of things have happend lately though nothing special.all my friends are eather on trips or i dont see them cause there is not that much contact between us
so iv been rather lonly
but also i am tyerd.mentally and physically.i sleep and rest and still im tyerd[fire fox is telling me that im spelling that wrong...but i docent give me the correct spelling so what ever!XD]. also i haven't been on here or around ppl because it seems that doing so will always set me up for failure and disappointment....
i hate being forgotten and left behind. and i thank those who have been my friend through all my time on here!. thank you for all your lovely comments
that fill the void in my soulXP, but realy thanks ^^ they make my day allot!
and im sorry to say that i might not start commenting or getting on this sight more often soon.i wish i had my own computer T.T.
i will try to log on every once in a while. though i cant promiss that i will get to your post, i will do my best to coment/hug and posibaly fave ur works so that you guys can get first pag dibs....[or something^.^;]lol
well untill next time otakuties!