scaner is back up

hey guys whats up?just letting you know im alive
yesterday chorels was being an ass [and a man whore] i was just yelling at him cause he's always rubing it in to me that he has so many girls! so i got mad at him and told him off i baisicaly told him to stop being a looser and to stop trying to make me jelous! [yes he was being a big ass!!!i just wanted to beet him up that man whore....]wow i shure know how to pick them -.- its a good thing i stoped likeing him a long time ago ^.^

sory for all the cursing

well its not that her scaner hasent been working her moniter wasant so they got a new one [well yay]
anyway ill be posting a lot of new drawings!!! and not to brag but i think i have improved alot lol
o yah !!!! im going to a-kon but i have alot of things going against me! like making an escuse[because their is no way my mom is letting me go to dalas cause she didnt even let me go their for a scholarship !] wich i have .... but i still neeed to request the day off and the whole thing i have to be sneeky like a ninja owwww so much stress.....
so its kinda under planed
