hm...i sould realy post something it has been a while

mood: not happy im not sad or mad im just not happy....
song: red -alredy over[yess i started doing this too but i dont know if it ull stick XD]
man mty poor freind i think iv drawn up to 20 things for her to scan so its going to be hours of bone breacking bordom for her o well i guess its only carma because she doesent get on theo much XD you know i love's you raja
today i saw a video of versales and thot it was awesome thow i perfer its gitars over the singing but the singing is good its just the gutarist are awesome my favret hizaki
and teruExternal Image
heres and awesome pick of them in one of their music videos where they start playying back to back its so awesome lolExternal Image
ps sory for the huge picks
im not that familiar with this band yet but what iv seen lately
well hears a part of the song im lisening to
I give it all to you
Letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose
Loving you again
I know it's already over, already over now

then later it says[or not]
You're all I'm reaching for
It's already over
All I'm reaching for!
It's already over now

this reminds me of alot of my past relation ships and how i shouldint have so much blind faith in some one who hasent urned it
good beet ^^
well not much is going on right now cause well i havent had much interaction with ppl lol im just reminded bye my parents how stupid they can be...
like one minet thier all like lucia your sooo good at drawing we whould give your pictures to get you a job!
fake bas-.....
then later when i dont wana do anything cause im bisy they tell me that im worth less and that drawing wont get me anywhere so y even try
but eh long as i dont turn out to be fake im fine ^^
i guess i cant complain thow their are worse ppl out their and im sort of used to it even thow its no where right!
o.o i just notice i have like 5 lines straight of using 4 letters in the beging of the page lol it might change thow to the world layout XD
i was also taged but i sopost it would be alot if i were to put it all at once and no one wouldread it or they would they dont uushaly coment on the important stuff guys im not saying that you guys dont coment at all im just saying i know you guys need to read every one eses stuff so im just tryinto make it less
-.- man i realy need to lern to compress my rightin ^^;[i should shut up now XD]
