
omg the world never seases to amaze me of how stupid ppl can be ....[no not every person i mean the one out of the many that ruins it for the rest]
its almost funy in a way
their is this one member that im prity shure you all know who i am talking about
i dont know him personaly but for looking at his guest book i can tell he is ...[i know im kinda late in this sence iv been gone]
is it bad at me to lafff at him
for his dilushional mind?
well i just wana tell my friends that he has insulted
dont lisen to him ! he is not your friend,your mom,you dad,your brothers or sisters
he is a strainger that you dont know and has never breath the same air
for all you know he might deleat the acount today and make another one and act like hes a friend
he claimes to be supiror but would a real supiror person do thos things?
if he comes here cause i said thease things then let him ill just laff at him
like i am doing right now
but because of cores thats all we can do but to laff at retardsXD!!!
so please my friends feel better he is only one in a million if her were to die right now im shure we wouldint even notice [wich would be kinda sad for him but eh]
and dont snupe your selfes down to his level if he bothers you just report him and put him on your egnor list!!!!
tag well i got taged XD along time ago before you read this i would like to say that i am not taging anyone !!! because im lasy and also i dont wana get taged again any time soon !
1i just red the host
2 i have no more books to read
3 im going to be bored out of my mind when i have to go to wash londery with my mom
4i have always wanted to go to europ
5 i love italian food!!!
6my favret junk food is hot chetos
7 can can speek som jap some spanish and some italian
[but very littel except for spanish]
i fergot the frenche that i new....
8 my favorite number is 7
9 i dont know how to dance....
and i gues illl post the rest latter ^^ im to lasy to type out the rest !!!
