today XD

i had so much fun today
i got to skip school with parental consent
and i got to watch twilight
witch sucked compared to the book big time
i wont spoil the movie but i will say two things
1 i hate Robert patison[sorry to thoughs who like him]
and 2 this movie had the record stare offs!!* falls asleep*
on a side note well yesterday at school i was making my friends make an account [they haven't yet but yah....]
i had aloft of fun regardless lol {ended up finding it funny]
we bot like 26 dolars worth of snacks!! and we sneacked it in lol with like realy big bags but no one seemed to care..
then whene the movie was over we whent to barns n nobles
and i boght vampire knight book 5[finaly]
and the gentelmen's alliance cross book 1[though i have alredy finished the seayrs i am collecting the books now]
and curque du freack book 9?
lol i dont keep track
i cant wait to read it and im hopeing to borow .hack// from my friend [the first game with kait]
also i am realy happy i reached level 85 in valkeri profile
aww the only thing that gets me down is knowing that im working tomorow..
but hey its going to be cold so cross my fingers!!!

have a good night!
