fliping crockadile...something randome my pals

a bunch of my freinds have filled this out so i felt compeled to fill it out...i had to read it and i know some of you will post this so eh revenge XD?
nah you dont HAVE TO read it but im not stoping you XD
gah i work today...my brother is playing metroid on the wii....wit his own comentery some of it is funy XD
well im going to TRY to get on chat i havent done that in a while

Name: kie [no last name [last name implies being born wich i wasent [answeres
that as charecter]]
Birthdate: october 30,1991[im oldXD [real bday]
Birthplace:i cant rember nor do i care
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color: Dark brown and a lighter brown that used to be gurgandy but now looks like a dark carmel
Righty or Lefty: righty...and proud
Zodiac Sign: scorpio!
Innie or Outtie: uuuh...inny
Male or Female: Female[or thats what i look like [charecter reply] but my other body looks mail[is realy femail]]

The shoes you wore today: none
Your eyes: light brown not hazel
Your fears: randome things that surprise me, zombie, beeing alone, realy nasty things...

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: your moma,your face[cause of my stupid brother]XD and lol on the comp
Your thoughts first waking up: cant i sleep some more,i dont wana go, gah, somethng defying the laws of phisicks better happen today [XD]
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair! height, face
Your best physical feature: errrmmmm...-.- im a very grown highschool girl [thats all ill say]
Your bedtime:i dont have a bed time though i think my limit is 12 on school nights over the sumer thoug i go nocturnal XD [but then again i work DX]
Your most missed memory: the only guy i loved
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: pepsy makes me thursty and coake is like drinking air ...so none[sprite XD]
McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds they have the best fries
Adidas or Nike: i dont realy care as long as they fit right[they could would sandals for all i care]
Chocolate or vanilla: i like choclet but not in icecream form
Cappuccino or coffee: coffie i dont think iv ever had cappuccino
-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: nope
Cuss: like a sailor sometimes and some times i dont at all some ppl get shocked when i do XD
Take a shower everyday: most of the time some times i get lasy over the sumer and skip a day....but then i feel nasty so i doXD
Do you think you've been in love?: yes once in middel school*sigh*
Want to go to college: i guess i need to do something productive...pluse hatchi wil kik my asss if i dont
Like high school: y not at all ^.^[its alright i guess]
Want to get married: some time in the futer i dont like beeing lonly and [and only to some one i love ] pluse...my mome wont be happy with me moving out till i do....
Type with your fingers on the right keys: most of the times but i have my stupid days
Believe in yourself: errrr....i dotn think about that much
Get motion sickness:no not that i know of
Think you're attractive: some what if i wanted to be
Think you're a health freak:i would think im the oposit[often takes helth for granted]
Get along with your parents: when we dont talk XD
Like thunderstorms: yes as long as the power doesent go out!
Play an instrument:i wish, i wana play the violin

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: unfortunately yess
Eaten sushi:i dont like it though i wish i did
Been on stage: nah
Been dumped: yes and no
Gone skating: wants too
Made homemade cookies: i dont cook!XD well not bake anyway
Been in love: no
Dyed your hair: wants too
Stolen anything: i think so...just to spight some one though [wasent something imoportant XD] i took some of my friends milk XD
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: Yes
Missed school because it was raining?: mabe once if it was rainging realy bad and i had no umbrella and no one to take me to school
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: errr i wish i had
Cried during a Movie?: the pokimon movie and 13-going on 30 [others i supresed]
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: um...duh ! XD
Had an imaginary friend:i dont know
Cut your own hair: Yes, it looked hilarious
Had crush on a teacher?:no that would be a tad useles and miserable thing to do !
Played a game that required removal of clothing?:eh? not that i know off >.>
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope.
Been called a tease: mabe once...[though i dont realy know what that means ]
Gotten beaten up:kinda
Been in a fight: these two guys from schoool tryed to sexsualy heras me once and rann off so i beet them up....
Shoplifted: Nope, things have more value when you buy them

----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: when i feel its right?
Numbers and Names of Children: 0 and 0
How do you want to die?:never
What do you want to be when you grow up?: doesent exsist
What country would you most like to visit?: englend,italy,grease,japan

-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: hazel and blue[brown is good too XD]
Best hair color: doesent matter to me but iv been having a blond streack lately
Short or long hair: long for a boy, and spiky hait [sora XD]
Best height: tall
Best weight: Average
Best first date location: it depends ho much im in to a guy, like if i dont like him as much we might go to a movie, but if i like him more then we will go to eat XD
Best first kiss location: it dosent matter as long as their are no ppl waching >,>

-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people I could trust with my life: idk
Number of CDs that I own: i dont realy know
Number of piercings:one on each eat i wana get another two on my ear
Number of tattoos: none but i wana get one on my neck XD[wow what a role model i am!][kinda like zero's]
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: zero so far but it will alot in the futer {headline: mass murder has struck again at the back of a beningins ]!!!
i kidd i kidd
Number of scars on my body: y would i count XD
Number of things in my past that I regret: i try to not count

Shampoo: i use hair and sholders i have no prefrences
Fav Color(s): dont realy have one but i gues yellow,gold, white,orange,red
Summer/Winter: Summer
Fave Cartoon Character: erm...kie?XD
Fave Food: hambugas
Fave Movies:i dont have one[not twilight *coff coff*]
Fave sport(s): i like tenis
Fave music/song:anything realy im not too big of a fan of contry though
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: jeans,shirt XD
Drinking: nothing?
Thinking about: erm...[taylor swift song i was lisening too]
Listening to: my brother talk about something?

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: nope
Worn jeans: i just said i was XD
Met someone new online: hm...did i?
Done laundry: i did that saterday
Drove a car: nah
Talked on the phone: nope

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: i guess
Your friends: Yes
Santa Claus: i belive in killing hime for sport?
Tooth Fairy: my parents we never good at phlaying it [sence we are mexican they have no idea what it was at the time]
Destiny/Fate: ofocres...and so many questions go with that
Angels: Yes[i have two]
Ghosts: their excistance could be here....but iv never witnessed anything like it
UFO's: its very likely
God: Yes, yes i often get suprised how defencive i get in my head when ppl tell me thy dont

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: my name is mine
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No
Do you like anyone?: a littel bit
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: hm...idk
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: hatchi
Are you close to any family member?: i guess a littel to my brothers
Who do you hang around the most?: none
What's the best feeling in the world?: the glowing fealing you get in your heart?
Worst Feeling?: Sadness
What time is it now?: 321! oh crap i need to go start drawing!
