10:15 [morning]
lissening to:nothing[wishes she was lisening to red]
mood?: im a pritty bad one actualy...im mad at the world for never thinking about me ever...and that im always last in line no matter how hard i try,then im also mad at my self for carring,and beeing last
even though i try so hard....
well other than that im pritty chill ^^
yesteday i had the day off from work but their wasent much activity oh here so it wasent as fun ^^
i had spent the whole day reading vampire academy [wich i am still not finished with] so even if you did update i porobably wouldint had had the will to read it ^^; [shot her brain]
well so far its a prity good book except they tend to talk about things alot that you dont understand and loop around to memorys while your angry cause you dont want memorys you want to bee in the story !!!XD
but its a good book
the other day i met the new guy at my work ...and sheas he is so negitive!!! >.<
but i know he has his reasons ^^
sorry about the negitive ness in this post ...i guess i like to kik myself when im down...also XD i feel a lot better after i vented