The Bus ride of a Psycho (*Note* all the following content is just a side story and may or may not

Detective Sebastian H. Pawin was currently investigating an arson case; a total of six small buildings had been burned to the ground all with and without an inhabitance. He received and responded to a call that another building had burned. His first priority was to confirm that this was by his arsonist. The MO was obvious and exact, a glass coke ‘a cola jar filled with an accelerant and evidence of a wick placed under the bed. This would lit the bed first and fan out through the house. His friend Henry Charleston was stating the obvious aloud to him-self as he always did as a way of remembering. At that moment he heard someone
from the usually large crowd start to laugh. His attention was turned to a young woman fully dressed in dark “hoodlum-like” clothes. In her hand she was holding something. As Sebastian started over to talk to his new and only current suspect, she stopped laughing and ran. Sebastian had been up for countless hours trying to think about the case and couldn’t keep up with her. By the time he had gotten back to his car she was gone. He tried to remember what she looked like and failed. After rejoining his friend he took some photos of the scene him-self and had them developed. He took a few days trying to see if there were any details that might lead to his arson. After multiple searches he found a 6 year old article on the house. The headline reading: B&E GONE WRONG, LITTLE GIRL NOT FOUND. He dug up a few pictures of the positions that were photographed. In one of the pictures he thought he saw a framed photo of the victim and his daughter. Only later he had gotten into the missing persons case and was shifting through the evidence. There at the bottom was a framed photo the victim and his 12yrold daughter, the picture being placed on the mantle only an hour before the perpetrator had arrived. There was even writing on the back which said: 7/5 HAPPY BIRTH DAY ANGELīŠ, no name, or was her name Angelica?

Sebastian had a sketch artist make an aged picture of the little girl and began to ask around the area if anyone had seen someone with similar features. He felt bad that he was leaving his family
alone so much, but he would feel better when he told him-self that his family is safer every time he gets someone off the street. His wife told him that she found a good babysitter so he was less worried now. It wasn’t till late on Friday when he got a hit. A young woman recently moved in and got a few part-time jobs around the area. But it was so late that his wife would be kept up worrying, and she has to get up really early. Due to his bosses poor timing he couldn’t proceed to follow the lead till late on Saturday, which was cutting in on his family time. They had planed an outing with the two of them, then a boat trip with his son on Sunday. After a half hour wait he gave up and left a note on the door: There may be a problem with your electric call Sebastian at 555-0675. He returned home to his wife and got ready for their outing. Fifteen minutes later they were ready and waiting for the babysitter. Sebastian gave his son a board game to play with; this was his sons’ favorite thing besides boating. Within another five minutes the door bell rang. This must be the sitter he thought to him-self and opened the door.