Hey there! I'm not very skilled at these introduction things, but I'll do my best!
I'm not exactly a new member here. I had an account awhile back, but I logged out accidentally, forgot my password... then just stopped caring about it. So here I am again! [I like this user better, BTW. :3]
This particular world will be my main one, although it'll only be used for any future fanworks I put up. And maybe a random update on my life here and there.
There's just not much more to say, so let me give you some basics.
Name: SakuraKatana [Although people close to me... I tell them to call me Kiko-chan.]
Age: 15
Fav. Food: Dunno. [Do Ramen addictions count?]
Fav. Anime: It's cyclic... ask for details.
Current Wish: I could be in a historic anime. :3 [Or more realistically, keep a boyfriend for more than 2 months...]
Race: ...White. [Japanese-wannabe.]
Convention I'll be at: New York Comic Con (sill need to buy tickets...)
And... there's honestly no effective way to contact me as of late. Except through email.
Which I remind all you little kiddies, posting personal info is bad. All goes back to the no-real-name thing.