Name: That's a secret
Alias: Sakura Tachibana
Age: 14
Marital status: Single, with crushes
Place of residence: Cambridgeshire, England

Welcome to Sakura Land! :) I'm Sakura Tachibana, the creator. (of course.) It's a pen name. Anyway, here you can find a blog that gives you a tiny peek into my weird and wonderful world. Enjoy! :)


  • I have started a Madoka Magica doujinshi called Zaubermädchen Anna Magica. (Anna Magica 4 short, ZAM 4 shortest.) If u want 2 check out v story so far, feel free. Whaddaya think of it? Please let me know. (I'll give u v link when I find out how.)
  • I have also started putting up pages from my old school sketchbook if any of u r interested. Seeing how I used 2 draw could b interesting. Search 4 "Sakura's Art Book."
  • Oh, and readers of earlier posts may know that I found out how 2 make a Pactio Card from Negima. (basically, a card that reveals magical details about a person) Well, I should've told u way earlier, but 4 some reason v picture wasn't loading on v software, so it's back 2 v drawing board 4 a while.
  • Crimson-Rose asked me why I had v letter v all over my posts. If u c a v on its own, it will often b a substitute 4 "the". Just say what u c.

The name's Yue today.

Hi guys! Have been looking 4ward 2 this post 4 a while 4 some reason. Anyway, Dad forced us 2 do this Fun Run 2 day (the poo) 2 raise money for a group my brother attends. Still, I feel like giving it a try anyway and am currently typing this in my school skirt. (And other stuff, obviously.) Why? Of course it's not a school day 2day as it's a Bank Holiday. So why my school skirt? (I don't have any red-checked ones so this had to do, if this helps. Oh, and I have better things to spend my money on.)
Who here has heard of/read/watched Negima? (No spoilers please. I've got as far as Volume 6.)
That's right, I've decided 2 cosplay as one of the characters. (My li'l sis has just come in and forced me 2 remove 2 of the hair bobbles as apparently they're hers. I thought she would keep them in her room. They were in v back of my hair. ) Anyway, I've decided 2 cosplay as No.4, Yue Ayase. For those of u who don't even know the word Negima, here is a picture of her here.

I took v Which Negima Girl R U Most like quiz and it turned out I was her. What Guru has failed 2 notice though, is that I am in the top sets for Maths and Science and have been called bright by several people. Yue is a Baka Ranger. (one of the class's lowest academically-achieving students.) I also got Sailor Moon as a result in 2 quizzes. This is worrying. Also, am I really that blank?
Worries aside, I have 2 plaits at v front of my hair and am wearing a white (collarless) top and a black tank top. (I don't have any waistcoats either.) I also have a black ribbon round my neck, tall black socks, my black school skirt and a pair of shorts underneath in case my skirt flaps up. I will wear my school shoes as well.
Anyway, I heard my sister complaining 2 Dad that I have been spending 2 long on the computer so I'll log off now.
Bye 4 now,
P.S. What are tags?

The lowdown on life at the moment

Hello again peeps! Apologies 4 v crap title. I'd better be quick as it is 5 mins b4 Dr Who starts (though I'll probably spend most of my time sewing).
I just realized that some interesting-looking challenges are expiring in less than 10 days. (Which is probably scarier than The Woman In Black. BTW, I haven't seen it.) Poo. And I've also noticed that I have 2 mins left. I've also done some work on v cover 4 Zaubermädchen Anna Magica, so stay tuned. And now my brother has just shouted that it's started, so I gotta go.

*Typed a couple of days later*: It turned out that a neighbour asked me and my sister (my bro doesn't like dogs) if we wanted to help walk their dog (a really cute Weshih (West Highland Terrier/Shih Tzu) so I didn't c Dr Who after all.

Why translating Japanese can be a bit difficult (but quite the lol). :)

Hello again peeps! Deciding what and whether to post can be a bit tricky, but once I get going I really like it. How are you doing?
Japanese Club 2day was quite interesting. We were learning about kanji and Sensei was translating our names into it. (tricky, I know.) Of course none of our names were Japanese, he did it based on the translation of our names in Japanese and there were some very weird results. My name came out as "mountain lady well." (Not my pen name, that means cherry blossom, my real name.)
Mum's cooking mincemeat next door. Smells tasty.
Anyway, if your name's James, beware. Sensei translated it as "self defence no protection." Priceless.

Anna Magica: A Quick Snapshot Of Life

Hello again peeps! How're y'all doing? Just got back from Parents' Evening @ school and I only have 8 mins 2 write this so I'll b quick.
I've started work on v Madoka Magica doujinshi. It's gonna be called Zaubermädchen Anna Magica, I think. (pronounced tsow-ber med-shen Anna Magica, roughly.) I think zaubermädchen means magical girl in German. BTW, is it OK 2 draw swastikas & possibly Nazi salutes if it's appropriate for v setting or will I get in trouble? The manga is set in Nazi Germany, in case u didn't read my last post. I was drawing v cover yesterday. I'd drawn a black-and-white page on v back 2 save paper, but then I noticed v ink from v felt-tips had bled 2 v back of v page!!! What a waste.
Gotta go,

UWAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Thanx very much! (^-^)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 PEOPLE COMMENTED ON MY WORK! (I'm probably fussing 2 much on a teeny-tiny thing, but whatever.) A big thank you to Crimson Rose 4 explaining what v terms meant! :)<3 (speaking of the heart emoticon, we did some English work last term on v computers. We had to write a piece of persuasive writing about Christmas and a couple of lessons later our English teacher gave our printed-off work back. She recited the titles of the ones which had no names, of which one was "Christmas less than 3." She couldn't understand what the title meant. It turned out that the girl who wrote it had written "Christmas <3." LOL.)
Must dash, I've got some Physics homework 2 finish off.