Anna Magica: A Quick Snapshot Of Life

Hello again peeps! How're y'all doing? Just got back from Parents' Evening @ school and I only have 8 mins 2 write this so I'll b quick.
I've started work on v Madoka Magica doujinshi. It's gonna be called Zaubermädchen Anna Magica, I think. (pronounced tsow-ber med-shen Anna Magica, roughly.) I think zaubermädchen means magical girl in German. BTW, is it OK 2 draw swastikas & possibly Nazi salutes if it's appropriate for v setting or will I get in trouble? The manga is set in Nazi Germany, in case u didn't read my last post. I was drawing v cover yesterday. I'd drawn a black-and-white page on v back 2 save paper, but then I noticed v ink from v felt-tips had bled 2 v back of v page!!! What a waste.
Gotta go,
