The name's Yue today.

Hi guys! Have been looking 4ward 2 this post 4 a while 4 some reason. Anyway, Dad forced us 2 do this Fun Run 2 day (the poo) 2 raise money for a group my brother attends. Still, I feel like giving it a try anyway and am currently typing this in my school skirt. (And other stuff, obviously.) Why? Of course it's not a school day 2day as it's a Bank Holiday. So why my school skirt? (I don't have any red-checked ones so this had to do, if this helps. Oh, and I have better things to spend my money on.)
Who here has heard of/read/watched Negima? (No spoilers please. I've got as far as Volume 6.)
That's right, I've decided 2 cosplay as one of the characters. (My li'l sis has just come in and forced me 2 remove 2 of the hair bobbles as apparently they're hers. I thought she would keep them in her room. They were in v back of my hair. ) Anyway, I've decided 2 cosplay as No.4, Yue Ayase. For those of u who don't even know the word Negima, here is a picture of her here.

I took v Which Negima Girl R U Most like quiz and it turned out I was her. What Guru has failed 2 notice though, is that I am in the top sets for Maths and Science and have been called bright by several people. Yue is a Baka Ranger. (one of the class's lowest academically-achieving students.) I also got Sailor Moon as a result in 2 quizzes. This is worrying. Also, am I really that blank?
Worries aside, I have 2 plaits at v front of my hair and am wearing a white (collarless) top and a black tank top. (I don't have any waistcoats either.) I also have a black ribbon round my neck, tall black socks, my black school skirt and a pair of shorts underneath in case my skirt flaps up. I will wear my school shoes as well.
Anyway, I heard my sister complaining 2 Dad that I have been spending 2 long on the computer so I'll log off now.
Bye 4 now,
P.S. What are tags?
