Much Ado About A Small Thing

Really should've posted this yesterday; but oh well. So, a little birdy (well, actually a reporter on Radio 2 News) told me that Kate Middleton had gone in2 labour, and people have been going crazy about it. Now, I understand that if someone u know is having a baby, u would want 2 tweet about it, but u wouldn't call someone 2 tell them on an ENCRYPTED PHONE now, would u? And squillions of companies wouldn't be poised 2 make souvenirs about v birth. (And I thought Britain had a reputation 4 being an "equal society". -A- But still, I'm curious 2 know what v baby's name is. (Nothing 2 traditional, I hope. It would b nice 2 have a bit of change, but I doubt that'll b v case.)
Congratulations on your new baby though, Kate. Hope v labour was "alright" and that v baby grows up 2 b a fine young man. (Yes, it's a boy. This time v little birdy came from Facebook.) Perhaps we didn't really need 2 change v succession laws after all, though it is downright stupid. (The oldest son in v Royal Family used to b heir 2 v throne.) From what I've heard, childbirth sounds like absolute hell.
4 those of u who have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, (which I think u do, but just in case) in November 2010, Prince William, 2nd in line 2 v British throne announced he was getting married to a commoner (which would've caused problems in v past, I think.) named Kate Middleton. Here is a picture of v happy couple on their wedding day in April 2011.

And a couple of months ago, word got around that Kate (now called Catherine, I think, or v Duchess of Cambridge, but I still think of her as Kate) was going 2 have a baby. U know, because I hadn't seen any pics of v bump, I developed this theory that one of them couldn't have children 4 some reason, so they would probably make Kate wear a fake bump in v later stages and secretly adopt a baby when v time came 2 avoid scandal. ^w^
And why is this post called Much Ado About A Small Thing? Well a baby is literally a small thing and Mum and me went 2 c Much Ado About Nothing last night. It was good, but like most Shakespeare plays, the speech was all Greek 2 me. (da-dum psssssssh!)
On another note, I take that crappiest weather in history thing I mentioned in an earlier post because we had a storm this morning. With thunder and lightning.
C u l8r. :)
