A Hetalia Overload?

Just got told off by Larxy V Strange 4 saying stuff from my point of view on Letters Of V World. (It would've made 4 some good comedy. :( ) That's right, Me-hi-co is officially in EL CASA! (The house!) (Have I got v gender wrong?...) I.e, 4 those of u who haven't read my earlier posts, (I got a PM this morning saying ChinaSan had subscribed 2 me. Xie xie!) (Along with Ni hao, that's v only Chinese I know.) I've joined Larxy V Strange's World (Letters Of V World, a World in which u can make up your own Hetalia country & write diary entries 4 them) as v fun-loving Mexico. Check it out! (Sorry about v crapness of my 1st post. I was a bit tired.)
On other Hetalia-related news, u know Wallace & Gromit; The Curse Of V Were-Rabbit? (It's claymation, not an anime.) Well I have come up with a Hetalia version! Basically, v lovely Hungary (who 4 some reason has a big house & even bigger gardens) is hosting a fair/Giant Vegetable Competition, (which Japan is growing a daikon radish 4) which means that v Axis Powers (Germany, Italy & Japan) (it's v present day, but 4 some reason they have decided to set up a humane pest control team 2gether) have their hands full trying 2 keep a strange plague of rabbits off everyone's veggies. But that's not all. News of an infamous "Were-Rabbit" spreads round v world and it seems 2 b true. Austria asks Germany (this is where v conversion gets a bit weird) 2 kill it 4 him & Germany agrees because he thinks it might help rekindle v love between Austria & Hungary. (Peeps who know about v 1st World War will know that Austria & Hungary were v same country @ 1 point, appropriately named Austria-Hungary.) However Japan, who is annoyingly suffering from a throat infection that has robbed him of his voice (does this remind u of anything?)is v only one (or perhaps Romano could help 2) who can stop Germany as the truth behind v Were-Rabbit could shock him 2 his core if he kills him.
See if u can guess who is a country by day... and a Were-Rabbit by night! (Put v answers in spoilers, please.)
