Dentists, Drama and Doitsu

History 2morrow. BTW, I might put Hetalia: This Means War on hold 4 a bit while I figure out where 2 start v story. (which will become clearer as v year goes on and we have more History lessons. Soz.) Don't worry, I've still got 2 finish off v prologue. (Actually, I'll probably start v story when v Treaty of Versailles becomes active, but where should I go from there... But we've learned about Germany in 1918 so far, and v Treaty was done in 1919...) Which brings us back 2 v original message. (Though I'm so lazy mangaka-wise that you probably won't notice a thing. -_- ) Still, one thing that will happen is *HETALIA: THIS MEANS WAR SPOILER COMING UP* that Germany will experience so much bullshit that he cries at least twice. And he thought @ 1 point that he was on v way up only 2 find that he only dragged himself down much, much further. (Further sounds a bit like Führer. #clue) I've stopped mentally doing evil grins now and am just feeling horrible 4 treating a character so badly. (Though this shit did happen in real life, I'm just telling v story)
On other dissimilar notes, black-and white posters were put up around v school on Friday advertising v chance 2 b in v production Twelfth Night. I wasn't sure whether 2 join or not and then in Maths I heard that 1 of my friends was auditioning and then I decided 2 just grab v bull by v horns and audition @ lunchtime. There wasn't enough time 4 me 2 do anything, though, not even tell a little joke that I'd made up. (We could do something funny) Which was...
"I went 2 catch v train this morning. I then realized I needed a bigger net."
*da-dum pssssh!*
V teacher in charge told me 2 "Come back 2morrow", #Blousey, but they'll announce who's playing who 2morrow. However, it seems v teacher has seen me recite some self-written poetry b4, so I'm in with a chance. And then there's v chance that I might not get a part anyway because apparently she's going 2 give priority 2 v GCSE Drama students. (V number of peeps auditioning was less than 30, though.) I'm not 2 fussed about whether I made it or not, though. In fact, I don't even mind which part I get. It just felt like 1 of those things I'd regret if I didn't try.
And then there's v fact that I haven't told my parents yet. Fudge, I REALLY need 2 summon up v courage, but it's really hard. Even v thought makes me shiver.
I also got my braces tightened 2day, and I now have an elastic band connecting v front-left bit of my mouth 2 v back-left now. (V dentist wasn't scary, but v art of brace-tightening isn't very comfortable. Well, I had one. I accidentally swallowed 1 and v other snapped. Don't worry, I've got plenty more, but they r a hassle 2 attach.
Gotta go now. Mum wanted 2 use v computer and she took more time than we expected. Wish me luck,
