Happy 12th deathday, everyone. I'm a spirit now.

(Don't worry, the title might not b as drastic as it sounds)
I only realized it was v anniversary of v 9/11 2day when it was Tutor Time and our form tutor showed us part of this YouTube clip showing v last phone calls workers from v Twin Towers ever made. They reckoned they were going 2 die (and were right) and called their families 2 tell them that they loved them, etc. My sense of empathy failed, though. If I'm going 2 cook up stories I need a good sense of empathy. '^'
Al Qaeda, YOU KAMIKAZE MOTHERFUCKERS. How could u do such a thing?
U know, I was wondering days ago, don't they have stuff like metal detectors etc. in airports nowadays? Apparently v bumholes who hijacked v planes had 2 stab people 2 get 2 v cockpit and do what they needed 2 do. And knives r made of metal. if v airports had metal detectors, how come they were able 2 smuggle v knives on2 v planes? In fact, when I was flying 2 and from Fuerteventura, I noticed small posters around telling u not 2 bring any deadly weaponry or stuff like that with u. (Like, DUH!) Or were metal detectors etc. introduced after v 9/11? Seriously, I was allowed 2 take sewing needles and scissors with me but I wasn't allowed 2 put them in my hand luggage.
Oh, and v Twelfth Night cast list came out 2day. I'm a musical spirit, whatever that is. Sounds quite kawaii and floaty. I reckon it's a small part.
I've had past experience of being a spirit b4 (in this year's ballet show, each ghost had a troupe of dancing spirits 2 help cre8 more parts. I remember practicing a floaty walk and doing a high-pitched giggle, yet when v DVD came out (NOT ON SALE IN SHOPS) we bought a copy and my sister noticed I didn't know what I was doing and couldn't keep up with v others. (I think I overestim8d v spare time I had 2 get changed. T-T) Still, it was nice. And v costumes were v cutest yet! (I was also a child and a schoolteacher.)
One of my best friends didn't really want 2 audition in v 1st place but ended up landing v role of Viola, and another friend wanted 2 be Props Manager (a backstage role, I think) but her friend swiped it from under her nose and she was a Marketing Officer. (another backstage role, I think)
In a nutshell; I GOT IN!
Will miss v 1st rehearsal though because I have 2 go 2 v doctor's.
Can hear my mum and my siblings arguing about v new TV system. I suppose I should tell u how things r going on v Hetalia doujinshi front. Mum needed 2 email v Drama teacher in charge of v play while I was typing this post, so I worked on v next comic page. (I hope I remembered 2 put v pencil case over v page when I went over 2 carry on blogging. I don't think this page will have any swastikas on it, not even on a chibi I've titled Chibi Hitorā, but there is a Star of David with a J on it which could raise a few eyebrows.) I remember my brother got a bit confused when he saw one of my pages 4 ZAM.
Then Mum needed 2 Facebook 4 15 mins. '^' (Mum, u've got an iPad, why don't u just use that instead of wasting my time?)
I Googled kamikaze a while ago, which led 2 me clicking a link on Wikipedia 2 v WWII article because I wanted 2 do some research 4 v doujinshi (which was a very risky move because there's bound 2 b a picture or 2 of Adolf Hitler that could set my hormones off. #thecat'souttathebag -_-)
Gotta go now, should've been off here 2 mins ago.
