World Post! Launch!

Have been itching 2 do a post 4 a while now and have now decided 2 do 1 after checking v backroom.
Also would like 2 listen 2 v Monsuno theme song @ 1 point bcoz they've started showing Series 2 (I think, it's 1 of those toy-based animes that my brother watches in v morning and I don't pay much attention 2. But it has caused an idea 4 a story 2 brew in my mind. Whether it will reveal itself though, time will tell.) on CITV and they've changed v theme tune (Actually, I've only heard v credits because I am either asleep or having breakfast when v theme tune plays, but still, it's not v same). V old 1 was cool. Am also itching 2 watch Yes! Precure 5 @ some point. (have not finished Smile Precure yet, I think I have a fairly short attention span)
<<I'm back. Some bits were a bit 2 techno, but like most of v pop music I like, I like v BGM.>>
Like Smile Precure, I find some elements of it (Yes! Precure 5) a bit bland but v costumes r really cute. ^^
Anyway, am a bit confused by some headcanons (What r headcanons?) ChinaSan posted up. They r interesting, I must admit, but they have messed with my plans 4 v Hetalia: This Means War. (Sorry 2 b a bother. Carry on as normal, ChinaSan.) 4 example; *SPOILER ALERT* it says treaties r friendships, friends-with-benefits, or affairs. Those of u who know about v Treaty of Versailles will probably know that it was a lot of restrictions placed on Germany by v League of Nations. (a group of countries who wanted 2 solve conflicts peacefully) 1 of v bits in Hetalia: This Means War is that Germany will probably feel like it's him against v whole world. He is bitter about v way he was treated after WW1 and that might help 2 fuel his imperialistic dreams.
He's turning in2 quite v villain.
Also, it says that Prussia was sentenced 2 die when he was dissolved. On hearing this, Germany gave him half his land 2 keep him alive.
After a few interesting scenes in prison in which Germany looks back on his life and how crap it's been, v Allies drag a depressed Germany out of v cell and symbolically transfer (via England's magic, possibly) half of him in2 an also-captured Prussia, and place Prussia under Russian rule. America says it's 2 give Prussia some purpose, but he says it like a Pharisee.
@ v moment, I've cast Prussia as "Germany's shadow."
Prussia falls in2 a coma when v Berlin Wall comes down, and I've been thinking about a scene on v way home from school where he thinks about whether he should wake up and live, or die. He mentions that him and Germany have felt v same pains, (b4 v wall) suffered v same illnesses and been through v same Pepsis, and that they are, in a nutshell, "v same but different". Also, when Prussia 1st disappeared off v map, he says that he was in a sort of in-between place awaiting judgement, when a godlike man with a pencil (who looks like and is Hidekaz Himaruya) calls Prussia over 2 him and designs him on a piece of paper, thus bringing him back 2 life.

I'm not saying I'm right and you're wrong. I just get a bit bothered when I need 2 change my plans. It was a bit like when we were making Cubist Sculptures in Art this morning and my Art teacher told me 2 take v paper hair off mine because it looked 2 organic. I'd like 2 put some form of hair on it, though.
2 b honest, I should b getting some homework done roundabout now, but I've been worrying about getting my Art and Physics homeworks done all morning and wanna relax.
C u l8r,
