A Weekend @ Mini Mahora

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkk!!! From v Travs Weekend Away. Which was cool. And I might actually tell u about it this time. Don't get your hopes up.
Boy, u guys have been busy. I had 2 click v "last 100 upd8s" thing again. And I got 3rd place in v "This is Halloween!" challenge! (^///-///^) I might make an OC 4 Larxy the Strange's new world 2. I wonder what gaaraskittygirl means by "having a tiny crow mailed 2 u". A thought crossed my mind which said "What if it's a virus?" I'm sure u guys r not that mean, but still... '~'
Am also deliber8ing over whether 2 join Pottermore (this Harry Potter RP thing) bcoz @ least 1 of my friends on v Weekend Away is on it. However I can't quite pluck up v courage 2 ask Mum if I can join. (I don't have my own email address.) Also, I'm not sure whether it's safe 2 use my real name,
(In Step 3 of v application thing it asks "What is your 1st name?", then "What is your last name?".) or 2 use my pen name. And if I do use my real name I might give u guys v link and you'll discover it.
Don't get your hopes up.
Anyway, v Weekend Away was cool. There were lots of wide games, lols and derping. BTW, what's derping? According 2 v Pottermore girl (who got a T-shirt with a yellow pinstriped tie on it saying "Hufflepuff: Because We Can't All Have Personalities") who's also on Tumblr along with some others, to derp is 2 pull a funny face, but to derp actually sounds more like "2 do something stupid". #What is derping?
It was fun. We stayed @ this old towery place and v girls all had a dorm 2gether with v leaders staying in little attached rooms. I slept on a top bunk above a girl with the newly-thought-up alias Akira (which might change names l8r) It was like a sort of sorority as there were only about 4 boys.
C u l8r,
