10 - The Calm Before The Theatrical Storm

(I've spent WAY too much time on here already...) #maths homework, #alsoHeartcatchandSmilePrecurewatching, #IthinkI'maddicted -_-
Still, whatever.
Hi again guys! Longish time no post. Now, what to put first...
We've had Twelfth Night rehearsals from after school (3:35) til 6 4 3 days straight now. -_-zzz
Mum's just told me that she's going 2 sort out her duvet and then we'll go 2 v Geographer 4 lunch.
Whatever. Anyway, 2day is sort of a rest day bcoz of aforementioned rehearsals and then 2morrow I've got another 1 from 2 til 6. Miss reckons it'll b v 1st rehearsal in which everyone's actually turned up.
(I don't think it's a case of can't-be-botheredness, it's just that everyone's diaries were a tad full. Several peeps couldn't make it 4 some rehearsals because of various medical appointments. Including me. #ECG on 1st day of rehearsals.) Oh, and it seems that the girl playing Maria either has or is recovering from food poisoning.
Am seeing how much posting time I can squeeze in until Mum comes down. Miss thinks v lack of attendance is why it's taken so long (i.e. yesterday) 2 fall in love with v play.
It's going well so far.
Mum has come up trumps again. After being a tad shy 4 a while, I asked her if she had any old bedsheets that she wouldn't mind getting cut up. She put 1 on v banister when she was sorting out v bed.
Do any of u remember the "Make a Smile Precure Dress, Fool" post I put up not so long ago? Yeah, well if u have read my wishlist you'll know that I have gotten up to v bit where v Smile Precure girls get their Princess forms. (I saw v next episode 2day. They've changed v ad-break bits and the credits. ¬-¬)
V costumes 4 Twelfth Night are pretty much up 2 us. Miss said they had 2 b "black and white, as theatrical and striking as possible" and they had 2 suit our characters. So, I'm gonna use v bedsheet 2 make a "princess coat" bcoz I feel it suits my character, which is a musical spirit. The new forms look ethereal and rather angelic.
