9 - Remember, remember the 10th (?!) November

Some of you may notice that [(STUPID F***ING GAVISCON ADVERT!) #am waiting 4 Smile Precure 2 load] I've just put a 10 in front of my post "The Calm before the Theatrical Storm". And this post gets a 9.
I've stolen an idea off CCR and am counting down 2 something. But 2 what?
I'm gonna make u guess. =^w^=
So, have decided 2 take a break and post while I wait 4 Episode 27 of Smile Precure 2 load. And yes, they often play 2 adverts while u wait. I just turn v sound off. ^w^
And now the connection's f***ing around. Honestly. I've disconnected and then connected it AND IF V SIGNAL SYMBOL @ V BOTTOM OF V SCREEN HAS ANOTHER F***ING WARNING SIGN ON IT THEN...
Honestly. -_-' Stupid technology.
Anyway, will try and stop ranting OH FOR F***'S SAKE! (#notices that there is still a warming sign @ v bottom after the wireless router has been turned off then on again.) And now there is none. Confused. @-@
Will try and c if I can get Smile Precure back up now.
It was Lemsip. Don't worry.
Ok, now hopefully that will b v last ad (It seems 2 b either Gaviscon or Lemsip these days) and v actual thing will start playing so I'll pause it and post while it's loading.
(BUT NOW V WARNINGSIGN HAS COME BACK UP...) *disconnects and then reconnects*
Alright. Back 2 business now.
And now Mum is in v room. She says she's going 2 sit behind me while she uses her iPad bcoz she's "fed up with v silly connection."
I don't blame u, Mum. Hope u can toler8 girls babbling in Japanese though. (if it loads, that is.) My little sister always takes (Oh. V sign's gone.) v mick out of v Precure animes I watch because v people always go *she makes a babbling sound*. LI'L SIS, THAT'S WHAT V ENGLISH SUBTITLES R FOR.
So, v connection seems fine @ v mo. Lunch is in v oven and I have a Twelfth Night rehearsal from 2 til 6. Wish me luck.
I've also (STUPID GAVISCON ADVERT!) (had 2 restart bcoz v screen froze) skipped ahead Smile Precure dress-wise, as u know and have done a fair bit of v "princess coat". I now need 2 add v sleeves and v bottom frill. And v neck frill as well.
4 v costume, I plan to wear (GAVISCONNNNNNNNNNNN!) my black velvet dress, as many knee length or shorter skirts as I can find 2 act as petticoats, my hairband with v newly-attached white tiara and wings, and v princess coat over v top.
Have seen Episode 27 now after some lunch. Gonna carry on with v coat now.
P.S. Do you need a wallpaper as a world background? I've tried 2 submit some pictures and they didn't come up.
