Boxing Day Was A Right Balls-Ache

pun. Mum took li'l bro 2 v doctors yesterday afternoon bcoz he had a strange pain in his balls. (And no, he hadn't been kicked. Though I wonder if I would've been happy 2 do v honours. ^w^) According 2 several text messages from Mum and Dad, he went 2 hospital a bit l8r and they did an ultrasound, but the scan didn't show what was wrong with him clearly enough so v doctors were discussing whether 2 do an operation or run more tests. A later text from Mum told us that they were coming home that night (#that's good), but she didn't say what had happened. She did say, however, that he didn't go under v knife.
My folks suspect it could be kidney stones (like gall stones, but in v kidneys) and apparently some doctors suspected a twisted blood vessel. (yikes, but apparently it's very unlikely that li'l bro will die.) According 2 Dad, kidney/gall stones aren't really stones @ all, but fatty stuff. (Waaaaaaaaaiiiiida minute, if these r found in v coronary arteries they could cause a heart attack! Though actually it seems to be blood clotting around them that causes problems. Still. Blame my Biology teacher 4 any concerns on my behalf.)
Soz 4 taking so long. #couldn't b bothered 2 post 4 a while Li'l bro's fine and v pain disappeared after a while, but v doctors weren't quite sure what 2 do next and we'll b keeping an eye on him. But he's OK. On v way home him and Mum had a Domino's Pizza, which cheered him up.
And, btw: Testing, testing, 1-2-3! Am typing on my new 2DS here. XD (and v keyboard's on v Touch Screen).
