Somebody Tell Me This Isn't Happening...

If u guys were wondering why I put up some posts earlier (how come my 2DS didn't display "earlier" in its dictionary-@-v-top thingy?) with a full stop 4 a title and containing only a full stop, it's in case I want 2 post from my 2DS, which I'm doing now. I haven't quite worked out how 2 start a new post yet, but I can modify old ones.
Anyway, v title. What isn't happening, I hear u ask? I'm feeling a sort of dread bcoz we go back 2 school 2morrow. (Who here doesn't h8 going back after v holidays?) '^'
Still, it was fun while it lasted, even though Mum was a right pain in v arse @ a few points. I saw @ least 3 cute doggies I knew, and several that I didn't. Plus, this new 2DS is really cool.
I heard my siblings (why doesn't my 2DS recognise siblings either?) saying "Hello" fairly loudly earlier. (This may sound like and/or be a stupid question, but does v WiiU GamePad have a microphone?) My brother bought a WiiU this morning. He wanted a The Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker HD special edition thingy but 4 some reason Game didn't have it. So he bought this Lego City Undercover 1 instead. I think they're still setting it up downstairs. Which might explain why I'm able 2 interweb from my bedroom. Dad had 2 move v wireless router @ 1 point bcoz v connection wasn't reaching v WiiU. I also noticed a screen on v TV @ 1 point involving Mii-making.
But little bro's not-1st-choice purchase doesn't hold a candle 2 li'l sis's new buy worseness-wise. She got v 1 Direction movie on DVD. OAO
It's quite enjoyable typing on here.
So, I go back 2 school 2morrow and I think I've got History. (With v Irish teacher.)
Have just lolled bcoz my bro is singing "Dumb Ways 2 Die" in this fairly stupid voice.
Anyway, I'm not quite sure which timetable week it is bcoz it doesn't say so in our planners anymore. I'll take v books I need 4 both Mondays just in case. But I think it's Week B. (We altern8 between 2 week schedules, Week A and Week B. I think it's 2 keep us from getting bored.)
But it'll b nice 2 c my friends again.
Gonna (2DS has v word gonna in it's dictionary thing. Why?) go now. C u l8r! :)
