Thank Goodness It's Friday

I've had this song stuck in my head all day. ^^;;

School work takes up so much of my free time. (Not to mention, the dance routines I haven't practiced yet and being tested on Tuesday. x_x ) I'm sure a lot of you are thinking of the same thing: "It's finally Friday!" lol
I'll be commenting on a lot of artwork today since I'm not sure if there's any plans on the weekends. Pretty sure I'll be caught up on commenting on all of my friend's new artworks, if there's any that I've missed. Please let me know. ^^ There isn't too much to say, so I'll let you guys go. :D Hope everyone's doing well and getting enough rest! (Some of you that I know of have to stay up pretty late to finish homework. Hopefully that won't last for too long! )
-tackle hugs everyone- lol

Oh! One more thing, I'm doing art trades if anyone's interesting. I'm actually hoping on not having to draw too much more fan characters since they seem to be taking up most of the categories now instead of the original characters from the series.. ^^;; Original characters are fine though, just PM me if you're interested!

Oh! (Ah! Need to stop typing!) I've finally got the Anime Studio 5 installed and I'm starting to learn how to create movie animations. ^^ (It's actually a gift for my sister, but she's only 7. Won't know how to use that for a while). ...okay, I'm done. I promise. ^^;;

.... -tackle hugs again- :P

-- アリス

EDIT: I changed my avatar. ^^ It's a picture of me making a funny face at my friend (who was taking the picture) lol I'll change it back later, just wanted to make an avatar out of that pic. :P
