A new year is approaching

Happy almost New Years everyone! Sorry I disappeared for a few days. I went to New York~ ^u^ It's only an hour drive or so from where I'm staying now, but this is the first chance we got to finally going since I got here from LA.

Because the requirement of photos for TheOtaku is only 4 per post, there's a link below to see the rest.

But first...

How awesome is it that they have a T-Rex in a toy store?! It even growls! XD

The rest of the photos are here along with some comments from me for each picture. ^__^

Well, I'll be staying up to comment on old artwork tonight(I'll finish up tomorrow morning though if I don't get around to finishing all the comments tonight) since I won't be home tomorrow or the day after that to get on. There's going to be another full out formal party for the New Years tomorrow, and then we're going skiing on the day of New Years (Thursday)!

I'll most likely sneak away from the party and work on my holiday gifts for you guys. I'm sad that there's never any internet connection at these events. ;n;


And I've never gone skiing before, so I'll post up some pictures and videos when I get back. It'll be a nice little laugh for you guys!

That's it! I'll post more up after the New Years Party and the skii trip. ^___^ Oh! And remember that "Dear Friends" world of mine that posts up gifts for you guys? That's about to get updated real soon. ^__^

Since I won't be here, Happy New Year Everyone! Please don't forget to make your wish for 2009! -tackle hugs everyone-

-- アリス
