Character 1: Nicole

Name: Nicole Knight
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Height/Weight: Small, skinny...all you need to know
Hair style/color: Long, black, loose or in a ponytail, always messy.
Eye color: Blue. Like...icy blue.
Orieantation: Bi
Personality: Creative, imaginative, is always with her head in the clouds, friendly, slightly geeky, smart, sarcatsic, ironic, spunky, outgoing.
Clothing (on daily bases): Mostly hoodies, sweaters, jeans or cargo pants, w/converse.
Weapon: Magic
Element: Air
Past: Nicole's mom was a witch, but she died when Nicole was about ten. She was raised and trained in magic by her aunt Aggie. She joined the Nature Keepers Coven a few months ago. She lives with her aunt and her brothers Joe(17) and Elliot(7), and attends to High School.
Friends: The other three people from the Nature Keepers Coven.
Enemies: None for now...
Mate: None...
Fighting style: She uses magic DUH.
Skills: Flies, controls the weather and the clouds, can turn herself invisible, telekinetic, controls the wind, and of course the typical magic XD.
Player: Ani in Wonderland
Coven: Nature Keepers
