The names Samantha. Nicknames: Sammi, Sam, Mantha, Sammich. Call me whatever floats your boat. I'm from the Vietnam, babes.

I always care a little bit too much. [...]

I'm a beta reader, so if there's any piece of writing that you want me to proofread before sending off for publication, just shoot me a PM and I'd be happy to help you!

:] <3 If you don't know me, get to know me. You'll have me for life.

Survey thing. (Stolen from 9 Tailed Neko) :]

WOOSH crazy survey I stole from 9tailedneko!! <3 Ahaha this took forever. I like putting detail into stuff--sorry if it bores you. === Had any pets I have an unhealthy obsession with my doggie. Had any siblings...

Read the full post »

Sup. Twilight? Fer Sure.

Wow. So I'm in a Twilight mood today. >.< Y'know, I started this Twilight fanfic during the summer on And I got some recognition for it. ^_^ I'm very proud of it. It's not done--still in the works. but I just thought that it'd be cool if I could provide you guys the linkkk. The name of the story is Dark Corners. To go to it, click HERE And comment on it! Even if you don't have an account on it, you can still comment. 142 comments baybeh--and counting. I'm so proud of it--its meh baybeh. ^_^

My OTHER Twilight fanfic I started a few months after. It's less popular, (but then again, only two chapters.) If you want to read this fanfic, (A Little Bundle of Wolf) click HERE and comment! You could SAY that it has the potential to be pretty good. Only two chapters and I already got 1000 views. For TWO chapters. :] Makes me pretty happeh.


^_^; Short post. Sorry. Maybe I'll find something to rant about later. Byee, lovelies.

Vietnam Owns Yo' Face

Dang I love my country. ^_^ By my country, I mean, Vietnam. I didn't know we were so funnay. See, to understand the joke I will show you, I must prep you. I'm talking about VIETNAMESE MUSIC! It's normally depressing and is often compared to somebody whining. The songs often talk about heartbreak and how the person wants their ex to come back to them because they love them so much. I like it though, I grew up with it. Other people though....not so much. Here's Cam Ly singing Vong Kim Lam. Feel free to stop the video anytime, I won't hate you. ^_^ I understand. Play close attention to HOW she is singing it. It's vital. Pay close attention at the last ONE MINUTE of the video. Listen to the style and get used to it.

Okay now HERE is the joke. This guy below is in fact, Vietnamese. He's singing in ENGLISH. ^_^ Pay attention and try to figure out what he's singing.

Got the lyrics? No? Think some more. I REALLY want you to figure it out. It's much more self satisfying that way.


No? Fine, I'll help you.

Honey. Do you know I love you and miss you so much? Night after night I cannot sleep so well. You leavin me because of money. I do who know I have nothing. I just love you with my heart, my soul. I don't know what to do. No car, no job, no money, no home. I will die very soon. Honey, come back you can save my life.

I laughed my ass off for about a nameless amount of time. Hope this made you laugh!

I Shouldn't Be Here...

I hate this time era. Absolutely despise it. I should have been born in the 1920s or 1930s. The music there is better. MUCH better. People don't try to hump you on the dance floor. The dancing is SO MUCH F*IN FUN. And the clothes were absolutely gorgeous.

Tell me that this flapper dress isn't absolutely gorgeous. I dare you. :] Anyways, I'm in the swing dance club. And I'm actually REALLY GOOD at it. Today was my first day and I already patted down the rock step, the step kick, the princess, the cradle, the birth, and the half swing (which is INSANE.) Okay so the half know those old movies where the guys take the girls and swing them around their body and then swing them in the front and then they catch them? :] Yeaup I can do one of those. You have to keep your legs STRAIGHT as a board and you have to fling your body to help the guy out, or else they get tired. It's harder than it sounds. :] Apparently, on my first time, I accomplished what it took weeks for other people to figure out. I guess I have a knack for swing dancing. I absolutely love it, it's so much fun. It adds to my very short list of things I can say I'm good at.

List of Things Sesshy.Uber.Rad is Good At:

1. Swing Dancing
2. Jazz Singing


The birth is a little bit easier than the half swing, but you can really hurt yourself if you get it wrong. (But then again, you can BREAK something if you get the half swing wrong...) So you and the guy do a rock step and then he holds your right hand. You guys both jump, you stay down. The guy swings his other leg over your head, he grabs your other hand, and you swing out from under him. :] But if your legs aren't straight enough, you won't slide and you'll just STOP.

I've been looking for an HOUR on youtube to find a video of the half swing and the birth and I can't find anything. But it's super fun! Girls can have fun and dance without being humped and guys get muscle from throwing girls around all day. ;] But you, girls, you have to trust your partners ALOT. Cause there's is ALOT of physical contact. Good thing my partner isn't a pervert. ;] I can jump up on his back like a monkey and he wouldn't care. Ahhh I love him.

So HERE is a swing dancing scene from the movie "Twice Blessed" Enjoy!

Is That Bread I Smell? .... No

Hello there.

I want to bake. Really badly. My mom decided to buy me a $25 baking book (I've been nagging to her about letting me bake since I was twelve) so I guess when she was shopping today, she finally relented. Then when she picked me up from school today, she yelled at me for spending too much money on "uneccessary things." ......I was not present at the time she made this purchase. :| Psychotic mother? CHECK. So she's making me return it this weekend. YEAH, I don't even know where she BOUGHT the dang thing. She said "Go to Borders and get a ten dollar baking book." Where do you get a sufficient baking book for TEN DOLLARS? A cooking book, maybe. But baking is complicated. A $25 baking book is considered CHEAP. I've seen baking books that cost $38. Wish me luck on my endeavor for the Miraculous Ten Dollar Baking Book. Okay, BUT while I have this absolutely wonderful $25 book, I'm gonna erm...skim through it. ;]


I think I have hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is "the medical term for a pathologic state produced by a lower than normal level of glucose (sugar) in the blood." I stayed after school today for about an hour. It was about 100 something degrees. And I'm hungry. I walk into the library and sit down at a table, and I'm shaking ALL OVER and I feel light-headed and I couldn't concentrate on anything. So what did I use to satiate my need for sugar? Gum. Yeah that did NOT work. Here are the symptoms of hypoglycemia. :] I shall bold the ones I felt today.

Adrenergic manifestations:
Shakiness, anxiety, nervousness, tremor
Palpitations, tachycardia
Sweating, feeling of warmth
Pallor, coldness, clamminess
Dilated pupils (mydriasis)
Feeling of numbness "pins and needles" (parasthaesia) in the fingers

Glucagon manifestations:
Hunger, borborygmus
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort

Neuroglycopenic manifestations:
Abnormal mentation, impaired judgement
Nonspecific dysphoria, anxiety, moodiness, depression, crying
Negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage
Personality change, emotional lability
Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep
Confusion, amnesia, dizziness, delirium
Staring, "glassy" look, blurred vision, double vision
Automatic behavior, also known as automatism
Difficulty speaking, slurred speech
Ataxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for "drunkenness"
Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
Paresthesia, headache
Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing
Generalized or focal seizures

Isn't that just sunshine and a bag of chips?!