HA. I can't stop my stress no matter how much I want to. And trust me. I want to. Badly. Past three weeks, I've been getting five hours of sleep. FIVE. My english teacher gave us a ten part project and didn't even give us a definite due date. Then she pulled it out of our ass and made it due four days from when she gave it to us. That project is done, BUT NOW, History project due Thursday (POINTLESS BUSYWORK) and Chemistry project due tomorrow. ON TOP OF THAT, I'm performing at a Jazz festival with the ensemble in a few weeks (can't drop out of that. It's a class not to mention the band director will rip your throat out) I'm grounded for two weeks for doing my homework. Yeah, I was working on an essay at 11:30 at night, and my mom comes in, takes away my phone, my music (which I can't live without) and says that I'm grounded for taking too long on my homework. She threatened to take me out of Jazz and pull me out of vocal lessons if I "keep this up" Are you kidding me?? I stayed up until 2 in the morning yesterday! That is such BS! Grounding me for being a good student? WTH?! Last friday, I had three tests in one day and a Latin quiz. And I'm the "group leader" of this thing in Latin for a HUGE Banquet we have each year. So I'm charge of like 20+ rioty, idiots.

AND I'm sick.

Can you fathom the intesity of my headaches? I'm taking a ten minute break from HW just to rant on here! But I better get back to it. Don't wanna get grounded for another two weeks. It's a miracle that she even lets me on the computer. Tell me though, if you had a child, (Or have a kid now) would you ground them for working on their homework?? Does that make SENSE to you? Apparently, it does to my mother...

This is "Crazy Asian Mother" this is just a basic summary of my own mother...Sad, but true.
