Sup. Twilight? Fer Sure.

Wow. So I'm in a Twilight mood today. >.< Y'know, I started this Twilight fanfic during the summer on And I got some recognition for it. ^_^ I'm very proud of it. It's not done--still in the works. but I just thought that it'd be cool if I could provide you guys the linkkk. The name of the story is Dark Corners. To go to it, click HERE And comment on it! Even if you don't have an account on it, you can still comment. 142 comments baybeh--and counting. I'm so proud of it--its meh baybeh. ^_^

My OTHER Twilight fanfic I started a few months after. It's less popular, (but then again, only two chapters.) If you want to read this fanfic, (A Little Bundle of Wolf) click HERE and comment! You could SAY that it has the potential to be pretty good. Only two chapters and I already got 1000 views. For TWO chapters. :] Makes me pretty happeh.


^_^; Short post. Sorry. Maybe I'll find something to rant about later. Byee, lovelies.
