Survey thing. (Stolen from 9 Tailed Neko) :]

WOOSH crazy survey I stole from 9tailedneko!! <3 Ahaha this took forever. I like putting detail into stuff--sorry if it bores you.


Had any pets
I have an unhealthy obsession with my doggie.

Had any siblings
Nopes. I really want them though.

Been kissed
Pft. No. Makes my ex-bf look like an ass, huh?

Made out with someone

Kissed just a friend
No I have not lost my lip-ginity yet. Gosh.

Made out with just a friend

Had sex

Had sex with just a friend
..... These are some pretty ... erm physical questions.

Been out of your town
No, I've been trapped in a bubble since birth. Psh, duh I've been out my town.

Been out of your state

Been out of your country
Mmhm. Vietnam, represent!

Eaten sushi
Ahhh I love sushi. <3 Me+Sushi=Smex

Eaten out for every meal of the day
Ew. No.

Been to Disneyland or Disney World
I live an hour from the Land of Disney.

Been to six flags don't....remember....

Been skiing
Hah! Snow! In California. Funny.

Been on myspace for more than 15 hours
Ha myspace kills little cucumbers. >.> Inside joke. Sorry.

Loved someone but there was no point in loving that person
*Sigh* Jim Sturgess and I just aren't meant to be.

Moved houses
Four times. Hopefully, we'll stay put for a while. >.< I've been living in this town for 8 years--so I think I'm good.

Eaten anything gross for money
No. >.>

Eaten anything gross for free
Pahah, yes. Chocolate covered larvae. It tasted like chocolate wafers! I swear on my life!

Done more than 5 surveys in 1 day
Depends on my time. ^-^ But I've done that like was summer vacay, otay?

Tried orange juice mixed with coffee creamer
No.... but I've tried CranApple with coffee creamer. Swankiest thing ever. Yuhhh, you gettin to know me a bit better now?? Ahaha.

Gotten a detention
Noooo I would go crazy!

Gotten a referral ..
*looks around* Oh, you're serious?

Been beaten up
Ahaha NO! My super ninja agility gives me a fast getaway. Seriously, I'm tall and kinda lithe, so I can run and dodge very well.

Beaten up someone else
Yes. Ahhhh beating up sons of bitches. Good timez. Good times. It was only two people. And I hardly call it beating up. More like self defense. Seriously, I was so close to reporting them.

Been dumped
Honey, I do the dumping. I protect my heart very well. I don't let you in unless I trust you.

Dumped someone
Yes....asshole thought he could cheat on me with two fudgin girls without me figuring it out.

Cried yourself to sleep
Alot. My tear's DNA is probably embedded into my bed. ^^;

Lauged so hard you cried
Ohmg I do that everyday.

Blown a bubble but accidentally spit out your gum
>.> Hehe I'm sorry Janet.

Have caught yourself drooling
OTHER people have caught me drooling. It was during my sleep and they thought it would be funny to continully whisper "PANCAKES" in my ear.

Played On a Game Show
My latin teacher has been on The Price is Right! OHmg it's so cool. I turn on the TV one day and there's my teacher goin "OH my f-in god! Oh my GOD!!!"

Been On TV
On the news. ^_^ Does that count? But it was for a bad reason. My school got threatened by a notorious gang in L.A. or crap like that. We had police from like four towns at my school for a week.

Been on the radio
Yes!! K-Frog at 3:00 in the morning betches!

Don't we all?

Thought about death
We all do.

Considered suicide
Ahaha. It's kinda weird to admit it, but yesh. I was a little crazay my freshman year. Lots of things happenin, I was going insane a little.

Been emo
You mean cutting? No. Very close to though. Then I snapped out of it. Emo as in emotional? Yes, I have emotions. ;]

Had a diary
Mmhm. I write poetry in it.

Been to TGI friday's
Ahh yes; only once though. My friend flirted with the waiter like there was no tomorrow.

Had strawberry applesauce
Strawberry--APPLEsauce. Defeats the purpose of applesauce don't it?

Been in the rain without an umbrella
I'm a rain dancer! Seriously, my friends tell me that when it rains, they think "I wonder if Samantha's gonna do some sort of interpretive dance in the rain today..."

Given away money just cause you felt like it
Yes. I more like..threw it at them and yelled at them till they took it.

Thrownup in public
Twice. Once in 1st grade...and once in 8th grade.

Thrownup so hard that it came out your nose
Hmmm. That's interesting isn't it?

Thrownup on someone
Dear god, no. I always turn away. Nasty.

Eaten something so gross it made you gag
Yesh. I'm very gaggable.

Been swimming
I've been drowning. :D

Been on a sports team
Gahhh volleyball, soccer, tennis, and badminton.

Been on a camel
Camels freakin own your face! No I wish I've been on a camel!!

Been on a horse
:[ No.

Jumped on a trampoline
Ahhh, that reminds me of...EXTREME PING PONG. You play ping pong while jumping on trampoline and you sing "The Big Comfy Couch" theme song.

Eaten cottage cheese

Turned up the music so loud your ears started ringing
Yesh. Doesn't help that I'm in band and that a whole band ensemble is blasting music in my face everyday, either.

Had a dream about the person you like/love/are crushing on
Once. It was of my ex, cheating, scum, bf. It was while we were dating and I didn't know he was cheating. The dream? He was choking me.

Had a scary dream
No shet man.

Peed in a pool
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Ewwwwwwwwwwww. Words cannot express my disgust.

Pooped in a pool
Shet. These questions are nasty.

Had a beverage come out your nose
Water. O_o

Cussed at your parents
Ha! Ha! HA!

Ran naked around your house
Half naked count? I had a towel kinda wrapped around me. >.>

Ran naked in public

Turned down a dare
Nope. :D I have a pretty good record. I once walked up to a man mowing the lawn across the street and winked at him and blew him a kiss. Turned out he wasn't a man...he was a guy in one of my classes. ^_^; AWKWARD next day.

Turned down a truth

Drunk dialed someone
I crank call people. But only friends. :P They're the funnest to screw with.

Eaten liver and onions
Ahah. Yes.

Thought about why the grass is green
No...basic biology will tell yah. I got through with Bio last year. Thank gawd.

Thought about why people arent upside down when they are at the southpole
Mmmm no.

Cried when your feelings were hurt
A few times. I try not to cry though.

Cried when you were hurt
Ahah no. NEVER. When I was 6, I dislocated my elbow, popped it back in, and continued playing.

Been laughed at
Yes. Gursh.

Been called a nerd
Nerd is in my soul.

Been called emo
*sigh* yes.

Taken a picture of an inanimate object
Duh. One of my hobbies---photography.

Said a really random word in dead silence
Ahaha. SCALLOPS. *busts up laughing* oh. Yah, you don't get it.... ^_^; I keep forgetting that my bff doesn't have an O account.

Played cricket
nope ^-^

Played hockey

Searched random words on google
I do that on wikipedia alot.

Been to no.

Been high
high on HAPPEHNESS! High on drugs---no.

Eaten so much that you gained 5 pounds or more
mmm. no. O_O

Been concered about your weight
Yesss but I'm over that now.

Laughed at someone who got hurt
Friends---if it's a little thing.

Been a member to a private gym/pool complex

Ignored someone just to annoy them
Gaaah do that all tha time.

Thrown something at your teacher
I wish I could at Mrs. Devil.
