I Can Sing this Song so Blue....

That is "Lady" by Regina Spektor. [Yosh, I'm gonna start puttin vids up here since Britty's whinin over there about it covering the comment box...] X] It's just the song and picture, just so you know...This is for serial my favorite song of all time. This a song dedicated to Billie Holiday (FEMALE!), a famous and renown Jazz vocalist. You might've heard her voice in "The Notebook" The lyrics to this song is uber beautiful. So is the sax. Me thinks Imma sing this for the second semester Jazz audtion. ((Yes, we have to re-audition. It's part of out finals))


Lady sing the blues so well
As if she mean it
As if it's hell down here
In the smoke-filled world
Where the jokes are cold
They don't laugh at jokes
They laugh at tragedies
Corner street societies
But they believe her
They never leave her
While she sings she make them feel things
She says, i can sing this song so blue
That you will cry in spite of you
Little wet tears on your baby's shoulder
Little wet tears on your baby's shoulder
And I have walked these streets so long
There ain't nothing right, there ain't nothing wrong
But the little wet tears on my baby's shoulder
The little wet tears on your baby's shoulder
Lady lights a cigarette, puffs away, no regret
Takes a look around, no regrets, no regrets
Stretches out like branches of a poplar tree
She says, i'm free
Sings so soft as if she'll break, says
I can sing this song so blue
That you will cry in spite of you
Little wet tears on your baby's shoulder
Little wet tears on your baby's shoulder
I have walked these streets so long
There ain't nothing right, nothing wrong
But the little wet tears on my baby's shoulder
The little wet tears on your baby's shoulder
But on this stage
I've learned to fly
Learned to sing
And learned to cry
Little wet tears on my baby's shoulder
Little wet tears on my baby's shoulder
But now it's time
To say goodbye
Some might laugh
But I will surely cry
Little wet tears on my baby's shoulder
Little wet tears on my baby's shoulder
Lady lights a cigarette
Puffs away, and winter comes
And she forgets

Beautiful, beautiful song. I cried when I first heard it. It brought out so many emotions in me, that it was kinda weird...Anyways, I'm uber happy and confident right now. :] People said that I sang as well, if not better, than the peeps in Phantom of The Opera ((I was practicing the POTO [phantom of the opera] songs in public wif me friend at the mall yesterday)) I know I don't sing BETTER cause, they're pros. BUT I'm still feelin mighty mighty fine. If Miley Cyrus was right here, I would POTO her. [[inside joke]]

For serial, do you think Miss Miley Cyrus has a very good vocal range? ((not to mention, VOICE, period)) It makes me hella angery when she get's fame that I don't think she deserves, when there's a bunch of other people who are way MOAR talented than her, but they don't have a chance in the biz cuz....*loses train of thought* GRRR! Just GRRR!

Go ahead. Call me jealous. Cause...I AM! It's a human emotion, peeps. Yosh, I wish I was recognized for my voice like Miss Montana is. I just wish I had an opportunity for my chance, y'know? *sigh* Mayhaps I'll start posting vids of meself doing covers on Youtube, and cross my fingers for a DISCOVERY! XD wish mee luck!
