Song: {Lady by Regina Spektor}
Mood: AHHHHHHH!!!!!
*runs past you screaming* GRRR I'm going to die from stress. Too many projects jammed in one week. My teachers must be insane. AHHH!
Okay, so soymilk IS good. n_n I like it better than real milk.
Otay, so I'm like THIS close to strangling me Latin group...All eleven of them!! They need to buckle down and get to work dangit! *pulls out hair* Our project is due in three weeks and half of the scripts I assigned aren't DONE YET! AND we need materials for filmin! And we get our Bazaar assignment on Wednesday! {{This is for our annual Latin Banquet. HUGE thing--we started workin on it a few months ago and the banquet is in MAY!!}} People think that jus cuz I'm the group leader, they can dump all the crap on me....
SO I'm gonna help them and direct them in the the right direction [?] but there is no freakin way that I'm gonna do this whole entire banquet thing by myself!
I can't wait for swing this week. *sigh* it's becoming my obsession, peeps. It's my outlet. ^-^ OOooo ya know what's excitin? Ryan (supa advanced member)said that I'm ready to perform--with him!! ^-^ See, we were supposta perform on Saturday (did I mention that we get paid to perform? It can range anywhere from $50 to $100. per person, peeps) and Ryan's partner was in Vegas. So I was his temporary "newbie" partner on Friday, and he told me that I should perform with him on Saturday. (we didn't cuz nobody else was goin. too little notice.) ^-^ So happeh, I was.
Now, I is stressed.