Song: {Navigate Me: Cute is What We Aim for}
Moods: Upset, Freakin out, Competitive, Excited, Owie
I knew of Cute is What we Aim For, before, but I've never heard of this song before today. My friend showed it to me on her iPod today, and its just too dang catchy. I was humming it all day. >< Its a bit dirty, I must admit. If you're not old enough to call 'doing it' sex, then do yourself a favor and don't listen to this song. :] Maybe when you're older and a bit more pervy, eh? EDIT: OMG, I'm listening to the song, and it's reminding me of an..event from yesterday. Taha. ;]
Me madre. I won't give you all the grody and disgusting details, but we had a fight. A bad one. I got hurt [physically and emotionally] a lot in this one. Those Asian mothers...are really something, aren't they? Well my mom seemed to enjoy breaking me alot today. I was crying like mad, [I almost went into asthma attack mode] and I calmed down. She saw that and started attacking me again [verbally and physically.] and she won't stop till I start crying again. This has been going on whenever I'm at home. And when I'm at school, I'm still blubbering everywhere since it felt like my head was on fire. She used my own hair against me. (Y'know, pulling it, yanking it)
Lord help me. I need a psychiatrist.
The weapons she used against me today were very interesting. She used...
My hair.
Her hairdryer.
My hairbrush.
Interesting, is it not?
I will never do this to my own children. We'll resolve our problems by talking like civilized people, never by physicalities.
Well surprise suprise. Jazz has a surprise mini concert this Friday. SURPRISE!
I'm performing "Come Sail Away" by Styx. You know. That one song that goes "Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me!"
I'm not ready! I sound horrible! No! Protest! Ahah it was funny though. We were practicing yesterday (The song) and I start singing and I hear people laughing. Mind you, my back is facing them, so I have no idea what the hell they're snickering about. So I thought they were laughing at my horrible singing. Either that, or my shirt was tucked into my underpants or something stupid. So the band director stops all of us and he's laughing. He says,
"Her back is turned to you, while she's singing, and you idiots are all laughing. What do you think she thinking right now?"
Turned out that one of my friends was acting out the song while I was singing the corny verses. (Know the lyrics? Look it up; most corniest song in the world.) So, yeah, I was good. But STILL, I'm not ready to perform on Friday. Jeeezus.
So you guys should know that when I get competitive, I get REALLY competitive. I don't go crazy about it; but I do get a lil' bit anal retentive. But I saw other peeps Latin Video today...and it made ours look like a bag of poop. No, I'm being really sarcastic--but it made our's look ok. So I decided that we're totally gonna get redemption for our entertainment portion, and food portion, and bazaar portion. No more foolin around, peeps! We're getting down to biznass.
Thanksgiving Break is next week!
I just got up to get a glass of milk (Hmm, it's nonfat. Interesting. I've always had 1%) and my leg slams into the desk. Now, I have a nice pretty in pink, three inch, gash on my upper leg. It burns! I hope it doesn't scar. I scar easily. Lemme see how many scars I have....
- On my knee
- On my left foot
- On my right leg
- Upper right thigh
- and on my boobie. (Now now, get your mind out of the gutter. I had surgery to get a fiber-whosiewhatsit out of it.)
So yeah. Don't need anymore scars.
I've had four glasses of milk.
My chest oddly feels like it's about to explode.
WIFE!: Hello.