
Hopefully my attempts at posting aren't completely futile. Reader + comments seem to be a bit down. Understandable- its either (whoah, took me ten tries to spell either) finals time for you or summer time for you. :]

finals time for me. Ahha.

Goodness gracious~! Saw Slumdog Millionare this weekend. Wow- very good. I like the real life India they conveyed. The whole children kidnapping thing is very much real in Vietnam as well. Its quite sad. But most of the world knows nothing about it. They even used actual children from the slums as the actors for some of the characters. Poor things~ I wanted to adopt them.


Also saw The Reader. Jeeezuss! This one should've tied with Slumdog Millionare for the Oscar of Best Movie (instead, Kate Winslet got Oscar for best actresss) It was a bitt steammay if you know what I mean- lotso physical intimacy~ between a 30 year old woman and a 15 year old in Germany, a bit before World War II. Whoah. Freaking good. Here's the gist. Woman finds sick boy. She cures sick boy. Boy is grateful. Woman seduces boy. Boy is attracted to woman. Woman and boy sleep together for a few months. Boy finds out she is illiterate. Boy reads books to woman. Woman moves away. Woman gets a job as an S.S. soldier. Boy becomes law student. Woman has to go on trial for a war crime she didn't commit; she was framed with a letter she had apparently written (mind you, she's illiterate.) Boy is at court, watching, and realizes that she is innocent. Boy is about to tell authorities, but chickens out. Woman is sentences unfairly to twenty years of prison while the women responsible for the crime get five years. Boy sends audio tapes of himself reading books to the woman in jail. She teaches herself how to read + write using the tapes and the books she bought from the jail library. Boy is haunted by her all his life. Boy is bitter. Woman is about to get out of jail. Police men want boy to help her out. Boy is bitter and treats her mean when he visits her. Woman hangs herself four days before her release.


Was that epic or what?! Freaking AMAZING.

I want to see Up after finals are over with.

"My name is Dug. I just met you and I already love you." <3 Cute or what?

I'm listlessss~ I want to go on a date or something. <3 :D Need to forget about school for a bit and live a little.

Double double this this double double that that.Restricted to double/group dates only. Again. Parents are strange. Reallly its not like I'm such a hoe, I'm going to have sex with them on the first date. Ahhah. ;D I kid you, I don't do things like that.

Drama major in my little coterie at school. Holy crap. It's bad you guys. Seriously, its like... friendship ruining. One friendship has already been damaged, possible permanently. I'm trying to remain Switzerland aka Neutral Land.

o_o Its not as easy as you think. Eh, but I'm a pro at dealing with this type of stuff. I'll be okay.

First normal post in a while...

need to find some readers! :D
