Hello all, and welcome to a world filled with legendary samurai, brave knights, and spying ninjas! Enjoy~


Other Sites You Can Find Me On

Gaia Online
Rika Tsutsui


Gaming Youtube Friend Channel



No Longer Submitting

I am no longer going to be submitting art to theOtaku, unless there is a certain contest out that I want to partake in. I am instead going to be submitting all of my art now to DeviantART.

I will still log into theOtaku daily to look and fav other peoples art of course. So if anyone needs me, I shall be on deviantART!~

Tag Challenge

I logged in today to find out that CelestialSushi tagged me :3


1. Is there any anime/manga/game character who you absolutely can't stand (and if yes, who are they)?

Yes, Yoshimoto Imagawa from Sengoku Basara. No matter if he's in Samurai Warriors or any anime/manga/video game, he will always be annoying to me

2. If you could commission a painting, what would it be of?

Something with Masamune Date from Sengoku Basara in it :D

3. If you want to go to Japan, what's one of the things/places you'd want to do/see?

So many things to see there! I'd have to say...the statue of Masamune Date that is in Sendai Castle [Im totally not obsessed or anything, as you can see]

4. Who is your favorite Winnie the Pooh character?

Pooh Bear! He's such a cutie!

5. Is there a book/story you'd like to see adapted by Studio Ghibli?

I suppose I would have to say The Missing Link Trilogy, mainly because I am in love with the third book.

6. What is your favorite sea creature?

Manatees! I first fell in love with them in 2nd grade when we had to do a report on a sea creature, and dolphins was chosen, so I had to do the manatee. I was mad about it at first, but I felt glad, because no one else knew what it was.

7. If you could mine for anything out of the earth, what would it be?

Oh, this reminds me of Minecraft. Gold of course! Or maybe diamonds...yes! Diamonds!

8. If you could have a music box that plays any song, what would it play?

Any one song? Thats tricky...but seeming as to how Im obsessed with this one song, it'd have to be Kuusou Mesorogiwi by Yousei Teikoku.

9. What is one of your must-have/signature clothing accessories?

I dont really wear accessories or jewelry very often...I guess my watch then.

10. Name one movie you're looking forward to seeing in the future.

If some director manages to leave off where M.Night Shamalan left off, I'd like to see (a better) the second and third season live-action movies of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

11. Do you know what a laser disc is?

*Googles it* I do now x3

Here are my questions for you people I tagged!:

1. What is your #1, most favorite anime/manga ever!?
2. If you could time-travel to any era, in any area around the world, where would you go to, and what time?
3. Tell me the first thing you think of when I say 'tablet'.
4. If a tornado suddenly touched-down near your house, what would be the first thing you would save?
5. Pokemon or Digimon?
6. Have you ever been to an anime/manga/video game convention? If so, which one(s)?
7. Have you ever cosplayed before? If you have, who have you cosplayed as? And also if yes, did you buy or make the costumes yourself?
8. Whats your favorite foreign food?
9. If you could own any animal in the world as your pet, and it wouldnt harm you, what animal would you own?
10. If a decomposer could decompose a composer, how much decomposing would the decomposer decompose?
11. Whats your opinion on school uniforms?

I tag you, pikachu!:
1. Katty Shouto
2. hanawa
3. alphonse13
4. ItachiSasuke
5. MangaKid
6. wolfninja202
7. Kibaumi
8. zzppo
9. nightmaya
10. Zuzu Uchiha
11. Twilightanimal

Death Note avatars

Its been a long time coming, but we're here now~ 2ne1
Im back with my avatar collection posts

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Natsu Yasumi!~

Im so exicted for summer vacation. Im going to Casco, MI, near Detroit with my grandma to see my aunts/cousins there. Ive been there about like, 4 times before, but it seems to get funner everytime. I get to go to a few graduation parties and stuff right away when I get down there. And we'll do the usual too, go to the 3 day Jehovah conference thingy [they're Jehovah Witnessess and so we always have to do their teaching things while there (one of the two downsides of going there)] and stay for 5 days near there. Plus while there I get to go to the zoo and a museum. And later in August we take their annual Cedar Point trip <3

I leave around the 5th or 6th of June, so I dont have much time left. Though Ive been feeling really busy lately because of school stuff. Tomorow I have to go clean up stuff from the John Jarvi Race for NHS. The day after I play for graduation. Memorial day I march in the parade (I hope it rains like the weather forcast says it will so we dont have to march). Im also kind of freaking out because I still have one more final project to complete [my previous projects I had to do were a PowerPoint for Econ and a PowerPoint for computers, both which I finished with time to spare, so I dont know why I was worrying about those]. The project is in art class and we have to paint a picture with a quote that shows ourselves. Im painting L with the quote "No matter how gifted, you alone cannot change the world~L"

It sucks because I had to miss a day of painting because our teacher didnt have enough white/black paint that day. Its come along nice since then though, and all I have left to do is color L's skin, paint swirly black things, and paint the quote. I have to do this all in one day on Tuesday -3- Our official last regular day of school [for high schoolers, since Wednesday is exam day for me]. I have a feeling Im not going to finish it. And I was going to take it home today, but it wouldnt fit in my locker so I couldnt put it in there after art class, and the teacher locked her door after school so I couldnt get it, and when I asked our principle about unlocking it she said to look for a custodian and I just didnt even bother xD

However I did buy my own black/white/peach paints all for myself, since our teacher isnt good about keeping an adequete amount of it. Plus I bought my own paint brushes, which wouldve come in handy a while ago when we first started painting, but oh well. I am all set for Tuesday's painting, and if I dont finish in class I dont care how many classes I have to skip I WILL finish it that day >D

But on a side note, so glad TOONAMI'S coming back tomorow! It makes my Korra day even better :3

Comment Box Forever Broken u.u

Okay, so something is seriously wrong with my computer + theotaku. When I go on my grandma's laptop, the comment box is totally fine, but on my deskytop at home, the comment box is a whole page and doesnt let me comment or reply.

My grandmas laptop has Firefox and my desktop uses IE9.
The script for the comment box on my computer is probably broken or messed up or something. Anyone know how I can fix it? Ive tried logging out of theO on my com, but it doesnt even let me do that. :/