Vaek's Story - Early Chapters! -update-

Two hours later, Vaek let out his first cry.

The wind had died down, no longer howling through the streets, the rain had become a quiet patter against roof tops, a playful gurgle down the gutter at the side of the cobbles outside.

"There now, there now." Nanna held Vaek as she cleaned him, wrapping him in a soft blue blanket, her back to Maeva who was being looked after by the assistant midwife. "You have a son, Maeva".

"Please let me hold him" said Maeva, reaching towards the old woman. All she could think about was how pleased Khayl would be to hear he had a son, how his smile would break upon her like sunshine when he returned. We have a son, my love.

Nanna handed Maeva the precious bundle, gently resting him in her arms.

Forgotten was the pain of the previous hours as Maeva gazed at her baby, he was so small! So delicate, his tiny fingernails grasping the edge of the blanket, only his face visible under the velvety folds. She caressed his cheek with a finger.

"I can hardly believe he is real" Whispered Maeva, smiling.

"Do you have a name for the little lad?" Asked Nanna.

"Mmm. Yes. Vaek. Three letters from my name, one from my Husbands. We decided before his battalion headed out East. Vaek for a boy, Khavi for a girl".

"Both are good names" said Nanna. "Perhaps one day I will have the pleasure of being present to help you deliver Khavi into the world too!" She smiled.

"Not just yet Nanna! Goodness, I think the pain has discouraged me for the time being!" replied Maeva, as she rocked Vaek in her arms and loosened the blanket around his face. "I think I'll take time to get to know little Vaek here, I wonder when he will open his..." She lapsed into silence. Staring.
"Nanna," whispered Maeva. "Nanna! H-he has Húmi ears..."

"Yes child, I know" replied Nanna from her seat by the bed. Her eyes now looking tired and shadowed. "He has been given his tail also. The darkening has touched him and-"

"Don't call it that!" snapped Maeva. "Please... He. He is just a babe…" She started to cry, "just a little innocent life. My baby. Don't used that cursed name around him, please!"

Nanna shifted in her chair, her hand on her mouth, her eyes distant.

"Maeva. That name is cursed for a reason. Listen, you know what must be done. Us Barahl need to stay secret. To pretend, to hide our true natures. We have been doing so these past three hundred years. The Lords think we are nothing more than a stain on their history, they believe we Barahl were all exterminated by the Seeker during the Ferine War. If they understood the truth to be otherwise then the Hunts will begin again! The Seeker’s descendants are still in power. They would murder us all, burn down entire towns and plenty more besides just to make sure. They loathe us, they think us un-human. Fortunately a remnant of us survived that dark time, and we have kept our secrets, we do not display any outward features to distinguish ourselves from them. Asides from little Vaek here, of course. The sight of your child displaying his Barahl trait would at best result in the murder of your entire family. At worst it could be enough to kindle a war against our people the likes of which you cannot imagine.

Sighing, Nanna wiped her eyes.

“Now don't look at me like that, I am no monster, if I was I would have smothered your child and told you he was stillborn. For that is what I have been trained to do, should a babe show the taint of Húmi... To safeguard the rest of our people."

"Oh, Vaek..." Whispered Maeva as she tasted tears she hadn't even felt fall from her eyes. "I know our history. How we have adjusted our lives. But look at him Nanna, what can I do?"

Nanna sighed and stood up "You have two options. A surgeon I know of could remove his ears and tail, but that is not a suggestion I give much weight to. The scarring would remain… Besides, I am not comfortable with inflicting pain like that on a babe. I think really the only option is to make a new life for your family somewhere remote, or at least away from any towns. Perhaps your Mother will know of a place. If not, then travel North for a few days, thankfully enough we are a rather ignored corner of our nation. I have a cousin in the village of Sharal who would see you settled. I'll introduce you, she makes candles and her husband is a fine craftsman, both of them are well thought of amongst the townsfolk. I intended to buy a few things from them anyway... But for now, it is vital that you both rest. You have more than enough to think about my dear, lets get you and Vaek settled somewhere more comfortable, eh? We can discuss this all in the morning."

Exhausted and drained, Maeva let herself be led through a curtained partition to a guest bed, cradling her baby in her arms. Fearful for the future.