This my first fan fiction entitled "KESENAI AI NO MEMORIES" which it's a YAOI THEMED stories with my original character Okami Honoo. This is my own sequel on ANNMIUKA'S SASUNARU SongPic and in the series itself.

NOTE: If you're not a YAOI fan don't read this.I don't own the characters and expect changes on characters traits.

See the whole chapters at

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I'm very willing to accept comments 'coz they are keys for improvement. Thanks a lot. Cheerio!

Chapter 2: Half Pain

Chapter Two “ Half Pain “

Another year passed but Naruto’s feeling about his lover’s departure was still there… The pain never healed completely by time. He’s still longing for Okami ‘s presence and secretly kept it inside his heart never letting anyone noticed that except Sakura who knew the Hokage well and the only person Naruto shared his feelings and secrets about it.

“ It took him eight years to fully forget Sasuke and now, how many years will he need just to completely accept the fact that Okami isn’t here anymore? “, question kept on Sakura’s inner thought as she was hoping that somehow she could appease the depression of the Hokage…

One rainy evening, an unexpected guest encroached inside Naruto’s house. That time, the Rokudaime was enjoying his bath while whistling as if nothing happened on his office a while ago. That was Tsunade-sama caught him sleeping in his office desk and of course, scolded him…making him to sneak out the mansion early and left the granny screaming with great anger at the same time.

“ Hmp! It’s better to stay at home away from those awful documents placed on my desk. It really gives me headache! I hope Sakura will look for somebody that can help me to do those insane things… “, Naruto thought as he brushed his blonde hair under the shower. “ Somebody much alike with Okami… Oh, here I am again! Those things only remind me of him. I only wished that sometime I could be with him again… “, He thought as sighed sadly.

“ That idiot! As usual, he really takes a long time in bath and just shilly-shallying. “, The stranger just muttered as he heard Naruto whistling inside the bathroom again.

After an hour, the wet Hokage finally stepped out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist making the stranger smirked.

“ That’s refreshing! “, he out-spoken as he began to dry his hair with another dry towel.

“ It’s more refreshing if we do it together… “, The guy said as he watched Naruto…still, the blonde boy wasn’t used to notice the presence of him.

“ Yea… I guess…Ei! Who’s the heck said that? ”, Naruto suddenly shouted while he’s blushing. No response and Naruto couldn’t even see who was there because the room was dark… maybe, the stranger really turned off the light as he barged in inside his room.

“ Show yourself! “, He shouted again. Instead of reply, a swift movement caused Naruto to push against the wall making the towel he held fell in the floor. What more surprising was to see the real identity of the stranger that make Naruto stood still and unable to speak at that time, it’s none other than Uchiha Sasuke!

“ Your growth is impressive… so how are you Master Hokage? “, Sasuke asked as he clenched a kunai in his right hand pointing to his former rival’s bare stomach.

Naruto didn’t response. Many things flooded on his mind mostly all about Okami so he didn’t even pay attention to what Sasuke was asking him that time but suddenly his lips uttered, “ Do what you think is better… “. Sasuke smirked.

“ You already know the reason why I’m here, don’t you? I’m now here to finish the task I’ve left way back “, He whispered in his best friend’s ear.

“ If Sasuke will kill me… it’s better… I can be with Okami again… We’ll see each other once more! “, Naruto thought as his eyes only saw the illusion of his late fiancé in the dark smiling and extending his hands towards him.

“ Do it as fast as you can… I’m waiting. “, Naruto finally said and he closed his eyes waiting a stab to be done. Sasuke got puzzled.

“ What does he mean with that? He wants to die or he wants to… “, Sasuke thought as he was now attracted to the Hokage’s scent, caught himself caressing the neck of his beloved without any words.

Frustrated, Naruto opened once again his eyes and glared sadly on Sasuke’s red Sharingan eyes showing disruption. His left hand started to grope on Sasuke’s right arm and stopped, tightly held on the clenched fist holding a kunai pointing towards his. Without his own mind, he moved forward making his bare chest leaned on Sasuke closely. The raven-haired dansei stepped back a little inch but as he knew that Naruto was embracing him… he just let it and totally forgot about the kunai. Suddenly, the Rokudaime lunged at him and Sasuke unintentionally tripped over the wet towel making both of them to stumble down against the floor.

“ He’s waiting for me… “, Naruto mumbled as he loosed his conscious over his best friend body.

“ Naruto? What are you mumbling about? “, Sasuke asked but no response from his best friend. Sasuke couldn’t help himself not to feel the bare skin of his dope.

It’s been a long time since he was like this close on his beloved and he’ll never exchange it for anything in this world. His daydream cut short when he felt the shallow breathe of his blonde best friend and a warm liquid flowing in his right hand. He remembered the weapon he wielded a while ago.

“ Shit! Don’t tell me… “, Sasuke thought as he gently pushed himself to a sit and quickly took a look in his right palm. Blood.

Blood staining the floor and even in his white kimono… all coming out from his dope bare body from the part where the kunai stabbed. Nervously, he managed to pull out the weapon gently and after that, he embraced again his beloved.

“ He hugged me just to stabbed the weapon on him… Why? “, Sasuke said as he looked confusingly on his unconscious Hokage.

“ This hand killed my older brother and Orochimaru…I really didn’t mean to take his life ‘coz I know how important he was to me… I loved him more than myself and I’d return to fulfill that promise “, Sasuke cried out and decided to carry out Naruto outside the house.

He immediately strode towards the Konoha hospital. Fortunately, Sakura was there and quickly took an action towards the Hokage’s condition. Sakura was surprise to see Sasuke and if the dansei won’t speak at once, she doesn’t gain her consciousness. She was astounded to see Sasuke again.

“ Sakura please do everything just to save Naruto “, Sasuke pleaded.

“ Don’t worry! Just stay here “, Sakura just said to Sasuke and entered the emergency room. Hours passed and Sasuke was waiting impatiently outside until the door of emergency room suddenly opens.

“ Sakura? “

“ He’s fine now you can go inside, Sasuke-kun… “, Sakura told to the raven-haired dansei where the last quickly entered the room.

“ Naruto? “, Sasuke tensely felt the paled face of his beloved still unconscious by that time.

“ I think he refused to use the Kyuubi ’s power of healing so it may take several weeks for him to recover “, Sakura explained as she entered the room next to Sasuke.

“ I wanna know what happened between you and Naruto… “, Sakura asked. Silence arose and finally, Sasuke replied showing some guiltiness in his being.

“ He’s an idiot. He really wants to die… It’s not my intention… “.

“ I knew this would happen; once he saw you again… he really wished that someone could even took his life on a whim… “, Sakura out of her mind had said forgetting that she should hide the real reasons.

“ What do you mean? “, Sasuke finally asked figuring out that the pink-haired medic had secrets on her own about Naruto.

“ Uhm, n-nothing! I just think that way… Don’t mind me “, Sakura quickly replied and it really showed in her face that she’s lying.

“ Sakura?! “, an almighty glared from Sasuke set upon her eyes and the last just threw her sight away from the Uchiha.

“ Sasuke-kun… All I want to say is … Naruto is a busy person and he’s tired because of too much stress…that’s all! “, Sakura explained and now she overcame the tense within her not showing that she lied again.

“ Is that really the reason? “, Sasuke asked again not contented to Sakura’s response.

“ Something inside me screaming that you’re hiding something from me, Sakura. Tell it to me “, Sasuke calmly said urging the josei to tell the whole truth about Naruto.

“ Before that, I just want to know… “, Sakura hesitantly said.

“ Huh? What is it? “, Sasuke asked.

“ What’s the reason you’re here? “, the pink-haired medic finally asked. The boy didn’t response quickly. Before giving his answer, he took a glance on his sleeping blonde koishii and replied, “ I’m here to fulfill a promise what I’d said to Naruto. So, tell me… what happened to him after that incident between us? “.

“ Do you really want to know what had happened on him after that? “, Sakura asked again but she felt uneasy this time and looked like she’s going to cry.

“ Please tell it to me…the whole story… “, Sasuke eagerly answered.

Before the dawn, Sakura told all the incidents happened to Naruto and also, about the relationship his blonde best friend to a jounin named Okami where Sasuke got the exact reason why Naruto did that stupidity. After that not so long story telling about those passed experiences of the Rokudaime, Sakura decided to go down to get some hot drink for Sasuke. As Sasuke left alone in that room, he glanced again his unconscious best friend and silently brushed some bangs out of Naruto’s face.

“ You already gave up your feelings over me and I admitted that was all my fault because I’ve made you wait for a long time. ”, Sasuke painfully muttered.

” Even if I’ll start from scratch I’ll do everything just to obtain your heart and attention again… it doesn’t matter how long it will take… “, Sasuke smilingly said as he held the right hand of his koishii.

Chapter 1: So Much Together but...

Eight years passed and Naruto was still waiting patiently and hoping that his best friend will return in their village. That time, he became the Rokudaime and attained an assistant jounin named Okami Honoo who was having a special feeling towards the new Hokage. Okami was the only person who was always there to help Naruto in everything the Hokage did. Naruto admitted too, that he really likes Okami… maybe because he was much alike with Sasuke in appearance, even some of the personality and styles in fighting. The only difference was the clan they belonged where Sasuke was from Uchiha while Okami was from Honoo iegara, which the clan’s origin was from the former Ryu gakure. Even though Naruto felt that way, he couldn’t… in the reason he’s still dedicated to Sasuke’s promise. Okami had done everything just to catch Naruto’s attention and heart. He’s striving hard just to prove that he’s more than Sasuke and Naruto really saw and felt that sincerity but never showed it to the jounin.

One day, as Okami entered the office he saw Naruto standing quietly in the window and looked like the Hokage was waiting for something or someone maybe

“ Do you still hoping that guy will return? “

Naruto just looked at him as Okami laid the documents in the table but the Hokage didn’t even said a word nor showed any reactions about that question. While fixing those papers scattered in the table, the jounin continued saying his opinion to Naruto.

“ You might get mad at me for saying this… but, if I were you… I will forget him. Based on the incidents happened between you and that guy… all I can say is… every time the two of you had a chance to met and talked to each other… that guy ignored you and he even wanted to take your life on his whim, just to cut those bonds you had towards each other. Maybe it’s time to forget him little by little and start a new life. “

Naruto was still unable to speak at that time but he’s sure that those words said by Okami were all true and it really made him hurt. Okami noticed that and felt so sorry about it but he needed to do that so Naruto will concentrate more on his work and realize that everyone in the mansion cares about him.

“ Cheer up now! I ‘m just giving my point of view and you don’t need to take it seriously. In fact, I really hate to see you standing there all day with a big frown on your face and you know what… it really hurts me that I can’t do something about it. Please remember that everyone here cares and loves you a lot more than that man did. Uh, I’ll leave you for a moment Master Hokage… I need to see Shizune-senpai “

Okami left again Naruto inside the office and of course, the Hokage finally made up his decision about that matter.

“ Okami has a point there. Many years passed but no Sasuke came back to this village. The last news I heard was he already killed Orochimaru and his older brother… so why he doesn’t even come back at once and fulfill his promise he made to me or maybe… he really cuts those bonds we had way back then? If so, then it’s a waste of time to wait for him. I realize how dope I am cause I’m still hoping for him but the truth is… he never wants to return at all. He just fooled me and maybe he’s laughing out loud imagining that I’m still waiting for him or maybe he’s dead already. I should now let this craziness go and try a new life with someone like Okami. I admitted that he’s striving hard just to show me how worthy he was and I concurred with that. He never leaves me and whenever I need help, he’s there… helping and giving me words of courage to continue… never giving up. I’ve already knew his prospect to me so it’s time to return all of it to him by giving him a chance. This is the right decision I think ‘coz I’ve already wasted eight years for Sasuke. I need to keep on… “

Nighttime came; Naruto decided to transfer a new residence. In his old house, he packed those things that were important and useful to him until he saw the old Team VII picture inside a cabinet. He silently glanced on Sasuke’s image and tears began to fall from his eyes. He got his mini diary and wrote something on it…

“ That day, you’d said after that I should forget you… and it really hurts me but as I saw the same picture I hold now… I read the note in its back saying I shouldn’t forget you ‘coz you’ll be back someday and that’s a promise. You given me new hope after I read it but now, those hope and patience in waiting for your home coming have come to an end. I felt bad as I reminisced those past incidents where I’m striving hard just to make you stay with us in this village and the results were only failures. This time, at my whim, Uchiha Sasuke who is my former teammate and best friend whom I loved so much more than a friend and a brother is already dead since that day he left me. I’m now the last one who’ll break those bonds ‘coz… it’s over between us. I’ll leave all of our memories and my feelings for you here in this place “

After that, he left the diary and the picture frame over the table. The Hokage gently walked towards the door and locked it. He’s now all right and ready for the new life. The day came where he finally answered Okami ‘s affection and after that, everyone saw again the real Naruto they knew way back then… a lively, noisy and cheerful Uzumaki Naruto. Sakura felt better than everyone else did after hearing that news as she’s the one who takes care about the Hokage’s health and who knows better about what life his former teammate had taken for years.

“ I’m very thankful that Naruto is all right now. I’m very worried about him since he became our Rokudaime Hokage and the fact about the dangerous jutsu he had acquired on his past trainings. Finally, he accepts the fact that Sasuke-kun will no longer plan to go back in this village and just like me, we need to continue to live without minding now about Sasuke. “, Sakura said to Ino as they watched the two dansei happily talking to each other.

“Yeah, I concur! I’ve notice that Okami-san has a big likeness to Sasuke-kun… I’m also hoping that their happiness will last! Right, Sakura? “, Ino said with a smile while Sakura happily nodded.

Naruto and Okami ‘s relationship was now already a year and a half. Days passed so quickly, until Naruto’s birthday was coming nearer where he and Okami planned to have a date in Ichirako Ramen house and spend a whole night on a hot spring private suite. A week before that celebration, Okami was assigned to do a S-class rank field mission together with some of the jounins who’ll send to Hanegakure but Naruto couldn’t even disapprove to that task because even if it’s a very dangerous journey… Only Okami and his troop were the only highly skilled shinobis on their village that were free to hire that time.

“ Don’t worry! We’ll be back at once and I try to be here a day before your birthday… “, Okami said as he kissed Naruto in his cheek and he’s preparing all the things he needed.

“ I really feel uncomfortable that you’ll be away for a week. Please be careful there… “, Naruto sadly responded while he’s watching his lover getting its self ready to leave. Okami noticed the worried impression of his beloved so he just said words that would alleviate the upset felt by the Hokage for him.

“ All things are going to be fine… Always remember that no matter what happens you should be strong for the people who believe and rely on your aptitude as Hokage. Don’t show your weaknesses to them, my dear…Stand as a model of a good leader for the village. Promise me that, Naru-chan… “, Okami told to Naruto as they ‘re now embracing each other tightly.

“ I promise! Take good care of yourself… “, Naruto uttered and he’s now gently losing his arms from hugging his love.

“ Before I leave, I want to say I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, NARUTO! And it’s time for me to go… Kiotsukete koishii “, Okami’s final words for him and finally, set off towards the entrance of the village.

“ Aishiteru! “, Naruto shouted and Okami just looked back and smiled at him. The troop already left the village exactly the sunrises and set journey towards the dangerous place of Hanegakure.

Inside the mansion, three hours after the departure of Okami’s troop, Naruto kept on walking back and fourth so Sakura stopped him from doing that irk manner.

“ Stay calm, Master Hokage… Is something wrong? “, Sakura asked. “ I feel that I shouldn’t let Okami to go there. I feel something is not right… “, Naruto expressed.

“ You’re just worrying too much… it doesn’t fit for you to be that. Master Hokage, Okami is fine and just believe on him okay? “, Sakura said as she really wanted to make the Hokage feels all right.

Three days passed, vile news spread in the entire village that undefined enemies ambushed the troop who set off towards the Hanegakure. Various emotions escalated inside the mansion but as usual, the Rokudaime stayed calm and appeased the situation.

“ I want everyone to stay calm and listen to what I’m trying to say to you guys… “

Some of them stopped from weeping and some stopped from doing their work for a while. Silence arose inside the office just to listen to the Hokage’s words.

“ I want those corpses to retrieve and bring here a day before my birthday… they die while doing their mission so I want to give them a proper and nice burial ceremony and it will happen on my birthday. I want everyone to come and grief quietly for them. No works and duties must be done on that said day ‘coz let’s respect those relatives left by our heroes here in our village. After that, I want to have a meeting to talk about those people who were responsible for the ambush. Do you copy? “

Everyone nodded and immediately followed the order of the Hokage. As everyone left the place, Sakura asked her former teammate

“ Are you all right there? “.

“ It’s a lie if I’ll say yes… but the fact is… I’m much hurt to the incident and accepting the truth that my fiancé willn’t come here alive for my birthday. All things are just happening again…all my love ones left me, leaving me all alone “, Naruto sadly said as he couldn’t manage to let the tears fell off from his eyes.

Sakura felt so sorry to Naruto and all she could do was stayed beside him never leaving him alone ‘coz she knew how much Naruto needed someone’s shoulder to cry on. As the bodies of those who killed shinobis were retrieved, the medics called the Rokudaime to give something important they’d found in the pocket of the troop leader, Honoo Okami.

“ How’s it going? “, the Hokage quickly asked.

“ Everything is going fine Hokage-sama but you should have these things… “, Said by the Head Medic as he pulled out from his pocket a piece of paper and a tiny box giving it to the Hokage.

“ What’s this? “, He confusingly asked.

“ We found it on Okami-san ’s pocket and the letter was addressed to you “, replied by the Head Medic.

“ Domo arigatou. Please send me some reports after you’re done on investigations regarding this matter. Ganbatte… “, Naruto faked smile showed and turned his way back to the office after the Head medic nodded.

Inside the office, Naruto quietly took a sit and quickly got those things from his belt bag. He gently opened and read the letter where it stated: Otanjou-bi Omedeto Koishii… Will you marry me? Naruto began to burst into tears. That time, he was alone in the office and it’s better that no one will notice how much pain he’s feeling right now. He couldn’t accept the fact that Okami died without saying this thing personally and even blamed himself for not saying how much he loved the jounin. Words were just left behind never been told and this make the Rokudaime felt so sorry about it.

“ So much together but… it always ends into nothing. This really make me realized how unfortunate I am… “, Naruto sadly uttered.

The day of burial ceremony came and that was also his birthday celebration but Naruto chose to weep for his lover’s death together with Konoha village men. Everyone wore black clothes and attended the ceremony quietly. Even the weather seemed not good as it looked ‘coz it’s giving a mild drizzle in that sorrowful day. The ceremony ended before noon and everyone took their respective homes but Naruto stayed in front of the grave of his beloved for a while.

“ I know you’re always there for me… I really feel your existence here so I want to say Aishiteru Okami! I hope you’re happy wherever you are “, Naruto smiled bitterly and finally decided to go home.
