1. At Bella's birthday party, she got a paper cut and Jasper tried to attack. Nothing happened to her, but Edward didn't want to put her in danger any more, so he left her. This destroyed Bella. She was all but dead in that she was lifeless.
2. After Edward left and Bella got a little bit of her life back by hanging out with Jacob, she figured out that she could hear Edward's voice every time she did something that was reckless and dangerous and that got her adrenoline going. Now that she knew she would be able to hear his voice she tried to find something that was dangerous and reckless.
3. Jacob was worried about what was happening to his friends and what may happen to him. There was this cult thing that Jacob and his friends were scared of and didn't want to be in at all. But then the leader, Sam, would talk to one of them and suddenly they spent all their time with the cult and did whatever Sam wanted. Jacob was scared that would happen to him.
1.Bella jumped off a cliff into the water for fun, but Alice saw a vision of it and thought she was committing suicide. Rosalie told Edward and Edward went to go committ vampire suicide. Alice went to Bella's house and found her still alive and they went to go show Edward that she was still alive and stop him from committing suicide. It worked and Edward then saw what it did to Bella to have him gone and he told her he would never leave her again.
2. Bella saw two broken motorcycles for sale and figured this would be the perfect way to be reckless and hear Edward's voice. So she got them and got Jacob to fix them up in exchange for one of the motorcycles. They got fixed-Bella rode it- and it worked, she heard his voice.
3.This finally happened to Jacob, but it wasn't at all what he thought. He transformed into a werewolf and figured out that it wasn't a cult but a group of all the other werewolves. So everything turned out okay.